Not an Update-- Contest

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OK, it's not really a contest, but I was wondering if anyone would like to design a cover for this book since I can't the the title on the way I want to...

Anyway, if your interested, jus shoot me a message. If I like your design, I'll give you a shutout and probably even a follow (if I'm not following you already).

I don't know if anyone will do this, but I'd be really happy. Let's say I'll get this go until April 20th (my birthday) and anyone who wants to can send it to me.

Does Wattpad PM have a photo option? If not, I've got a Tumblr (bedtime-thought-writing-prompts) or you can even send it to me over Instagram (surrettkayla)


It has to be Danny Phantom, so yeah. And I would like the title.

Need a good editing app? I use Picsart, but it's not very good with cheaper technology.

Anyway, I hope you guys will at least attempt. I might let people vote on their favorites if I get enough.

See y'all later!

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