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Rose's POV

I have an internal struggle with myself while I'm taking a shower. Jace has never actually said anything mean to me... But that doesn't mean that his friends haven't or that he won't tonight. I don't even know him. Why did he ask me out? It was probably just to make fun of me. He's probably not even going to show up tonight and I'll be left alone as usual.

I sigh to myself and hop out of the shower. I turn my bathroom speaker on and start playing some Bring Me The Horizon while I blow-dry my hair. The loud volume helps me tune out any fuzz noise in the background and helps me focus on blow-drying my hair without getting my hair caught in the vent.

By the time my hair is straightened and I'm working on my makeup, it's already 4:45. I have an hour and a half left. My nails were painted silver and my toenails were now painted an ivory color. I glued on fake eyelashes and applied a small line of eyeliner. This guy saw me in my pajamas today and still asked me out, I don't think he cares much about what I look like. But if I am going to be humiliated, I'm going to look like fire while the whole place burns down.

I paste on a pale pink lip gloss before turning towards my closet. I don't have very many dresses, so I will probably have to wear the dress I wore to my moms friend - Kateys wedding. It's a pale lavender color with a v-neck and it goes down to my knees. I was about to start undressing when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say and my mom opens the door. She's holding a box in her hands.

She smiles when she sees me. "My little girl is about to go on her first date!" She gushes and strides over to my bed where she puts the large box down.

"Mom..." I groan.

"I know, I know." She smiles. "Just wait until your dad talks to you. He'll be bawling his eyes out once he sees you."


"What's in the box?" I ask, nodding towards it.

She smirks. "That is for you to find out. How about you open it?"

Curious, I walk over to my bed and start to open the white box. Inside of it, underneath several layers of tissue paper, lays a beautiful white dress. I gasp as I take it out to admire.

"I was going to give you it to wear to your party today, but since you didn't want to have a party, I didn't know when to give it to you. Now that that boy asked you out, I-" She pauses. "What was his name?"

I laugh silently. "His name is Jace. Jace Danvers." I answer.

"Ah. The name sounds familiar..." She ponders. I sigh impatiently and she returns to the present. "So how about you try it on." She smiles giddily.

I wait for her to leave. "Can you leave?" I ask when she doesn't move. There are some secrets I would like to go unnoticed.

"Oh, of course. I was just wondering if you needed any help."

"Mom, I'll be fine." I push. Reluctantly, she leaves and I start to undress.


Jace's POV

It's 6:14 as I pull to a stop in front of her large house. I'm wearing a formal black suit with a silver tie. My dirty blonde hair is styled the same way it usually is -- spiked up slightly in the front so it doesn't fall into my eyes.

I grab the small package and head out of my car. Her walkway is long and it leads straight to her modern styled house. It's large and looks like it costs a lot of money. I reach the door step and ring the doorbell before I can chicken out.

A moment later, the door opens to reveal a tall man with dark hair. He looks down at me with a stern look. "And who are you?" The man asks.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "I'm Jace Danvers. I'm here to pick up Rose."

He looks at me skeptically before he suddenly smiles. "Be good to her. She's my only daughter and deserves the best. Make sure she's home by at least 10."

"I- uh- yes sir." I stutter right as I see a pair of silver heels on the top of the large stairs behind the man. Oh my...

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