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Rose's POV

I'm snuggled up tightly in my bed, wrapped up in fuzzy blankets and stuffed animals when someone knocks on my door. I don't answer. The sun is just starting to set outside but all of my lights are turned off and I'm just waiting for this awful day to end. I was deceived by the guy I thought I liked and liked me back, I was humiliated by my brother who I've looked up to my entire life, and I hurt myself. I already had scars from earlier times, but today was different, I did it because of a stupid boy. And I hate myself for it now.

The door opens softly and I pretend I'm sleeping, hoping whoever it is goes away. I hear the scuffling of feet and the folding of paper. I wait for a moment longer and the person eventually leaves. I roll over and look at my nightstand. There is a folded sheet of lined paper on top. I pick it up and unfold it. After turning on my side lamp, I read:

Rose, I cannot express how sorry I am. I know no excuse can pardon my actions but please allow me to at least explain my boyish reasoning. I was confused, and I was hurt. I was hurt by the truth. I am a jerk, a douche, and a real pain in the ass. I've tried to have enough dignity in my life to refrain from sharing foul comments to people. But that doesn't go to say I didn't try to stop them when I heard them. I am terribly sorry for allowing you to really see the bad side of me. Especially after I was able to open up to you about my life. I know we hardly know each other, but I have never felt so loved by anyone more than I have by you. You let me rant, you let me -- encourage me -- to be honest. I can tell you any random fact about me and you are still by my side. I hope I haven't destroyed the connection we've had. If I have, I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I really, truly, wish to be your friend. Perhaps more, if you'd permit. My deepest apologies, Jace.

Jace was in my room??

I sniffle as I read Jace's note. I want to be friends with him. I want to be more than friends. But what am I? Worthless. I'm not exceptional at anything and there is nothing special about me. He would be better off if we stayed with our social classes. All of this could have been avoided if I had turned down his offer to go on a date.

But he was genuinely trying to be and do good. Something his father never seemed to do. He made an effort -- despite his popularity -- to get to know me and be my friend. And we actually got along quite nicely. He liked the same kind of music I did! And that was a rare finder.

My thoughts were so conflicting, I started to get a headache. I groan and drop the note on my floor while working out of my cocoon of comfort. I stand up and stretch before heading towards the door. I gasp as I step on a bundle of clothes and find a lovely undergarment surprise staring up at me. My room is a mess! And Jace was in here?! Oh God....

Even though there is no one here, an incredible blush reaches my cheeks. I shove the clothes to the side and make my way out of my room. I'm yawning as I make my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. But my yawn is interrupted when I see everyone from my family sitting around the dining room table with a should-have-been-expected guest. All four of their gazes lock on mine.

"Um," I start and stare into Jace's blue eyes. "I just, I needed water." I break my gaze away and head for the sink, fully aware of everyone watching me. Heat is burning my body. I'm embarrassed and I'm angry. The room is silent besides the sink pouring water into my glass. Without looking at them, I turn around and start to head back to my room.

"Rose, wait."

I immediately recognize the voice as Jace's. I don't stop and I hear the screeching of a chair being pushed back from behind me. I make it out of the kitchen and am about to step on the first step of the stairs when an arm shoots out in front of me, blocking me from going up the stairs.

"Jace." I warn him without looking at him.

"Rose." He returns, making me turn my glare on him.

"If you would excuse me please." I snap. "This is my house."

"We need to talk." He says, his blue eyes piercing and pleading at the same time.

"I know. But not now." I differ.


I motion down at my attire with the hand not holding a full glass of water. "It's not really the best time."

He sighs and shakes his head, keeping his arm in my way. I notice my parent's peeking eyes from the doorway entering the kitchen and I just get angrier.

"You know what?" I say, making Jace look back up at me. "I think you really are a jerk. You think you can just make everything up to me by writing me a pretty note and becoming best friends with my family. I'm not even going to ask how you got through Dustin's thick skull. But you can just stop manipulating my life now!" My voices rises to the point where I am almost shouting.

Jace steps closer to me and gives me a daring look. "Make me." He says. His face is so close to mine now, I can feel his warm breath on my face and see little speckles of brown in his bright blue eyes.

His beautiful features and devilish personality make me fume and I throw my glass of water on his face, soaking his brown hair. He groans but stays unmoving. "I was just waiting for you to do that." He smiles teasingly at me.

His remark catches me off guard. "Wait, what? Why?"

He smirks. "So I can do this." Then he bends down and wraps his arms around my legs, throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal as my stomach turns upside down and pound my fist against his back.

"Jace! Let me go!" I shout as he carries me like a limp doll towards the front door. I look up to see my mom holding her phone out videoing me and laughing. I glare at her and the rest of my family who has joined her in the kitchen entrance.

"Nope. We're going to talk."

Chapter Eleven! I hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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