Chapter 15

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The first day of winter break is finally here! I swear last week went by so slow! I'm so glad we get two weeks off of school -- not to mention Christmas. Me and my mom haven't even put up our Christmas lights, or the tree, or any other decorations, or even went shopping. That's our plan for today.

My mom is off from work today, so she figured we can go to the mall before it snows and then come back home and put up all the decorations. I'm honestly not feeling doing housework and all that stuff. But I have no choice...

I was all dressed and ready for the day. Mama G was in the kitchen making oatmeal and she set out some blueberries, strawberries, butter, sugar, and cinnamon for toppings. She makes me a bowl of oatmeal and puts strawberry pieces and sugar on top of it.

"Oatmeal!" I yell, taking my bowl from her and reaching in the open drawer for a spoon.

"You're welcome," she says.

"Thank you, G dawg!" I say, skipping to the island in the middle of our kitchen and sitting down on a stool.

"I told you about calling me that."

I laugh a little while she gives me the look. I shove a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth, also tasting a few strawberry pieces, chew, and swallow. The warm cereal goes down my throat instantly warming my whole body. Mmmm!

Mama sits on a stool beside me and eats her own bowl of oatmeal.

"So... since basketball season is over and you're a senior now, I think it'd be nice for you to get a job," mom tells me between spoonfuls.

"I don't need a job."

"And why is that? You can learn a lot from work experience. It can help you learn to prioritize in college, teach you to work with others, and it looks good on college applications. UCLA doesn't care about your basketball abilities if you can't learn to work with others--"

"Mom, I don't need a job. Besides, I don't got no bills to pay so... no point," I reply with a shrug.

"Oh, so you think only people who gotta pay bills need a job? You can make money and save it on the side for college--"

"Or I can make money and buy more things I don't need. Hmm... great idea, mama."

"Samantha..." She shakes her head. "Now, I want you to get a job. You grown now? Well, you're gonna get a job like a grown person and start helping around the house more."

I sigh and finish my oatmeal.


An hour later, we arrive at the Manhattan Mall. Since it's still late morning, there's not too many people here which is a good thing. Today, I plan on buying a whole new wardrobe, and I don't need anybody I know to be all up in my business. My mother gave me a MasterCard with $500 dollars on it to buy whatever I wanted; she also carried one for herself. I was quite surprised, but I guess mama been saving some extra cash on the side ever since she got a raise at work. She actually works at the headquarters of JCPenney's as one of the creative designers who works with up and coming designers on their clothing. She decides which products will be on display for each season. Whenever she comes home from work, she always has a smile on her face. I'm just glad she's happy where she's at... I'm glad for the cash too.

Our first stop was Charlotte Russe. She went immediately to the sheer printed tops and other long-sleeved knitted tops that were in the Women's section. My mother loves fashion! She is only 40 years old, but she still got a body of someone ten years younger, and she surely don't mind showing it every once in a while. She picked out a few shirts and sweaters.

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