Chapter 1: A Prisoner

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Heloooo Minna! I know that its not the 1 march but light war got 1.000 reads!! So I'm going to start this earlier than expected :P
I'm so pumped and i hope you all will like it(;
I've been writing this like for a month to be done in time :D 
The ending of course is still not all done yet but I will finish the end as fast as I can ^^

The song in the multimedia : Untouchable - Taylor swift.
I don't really know why I took that song it just like fit in this chappie:3

I dedicate this first chapter to Cryptic_Eyes because she's an awesome nalu writer! If you haven't read her stories please do so you will not regret it:D!
Her stories is so good that you just want more:D
So please check her out^^

Well lets start the adventure of The Prisoner in the Shadows!!


The sound of people talking and laughing echoed from outside the small window.
The little girl was sitting in the shadows...observing...listening...crying...
When her mother died everything had changed.
Her father blamed a little girl for the death of her only mother..he blamed the death of his beloved layla on his little lucy.
This Girl's name is Lucy....Lucy Heartfilia the daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia.
The shadow in the cell was hiding the poor girls pale face.
Her father locked her in a cell....without doors ….without toys.....only a small window could be seen in the darkness.
The food came to her from the window when her father's maid came by.
The maid's name is Spetto. Spetto has always taken care of her ever since she was a little girl. A few years ago spetto visited her everyday.
Lucy is now 17 years old.
After all does years her look changed.
Her clothing was ripped to pieces and only the chest part was fully completed. Still it was dirty and old. Her skirt was ripped apart in some places and it was really dirty. Her pale skin is as pale as the snow.
She don't have any shoes so her feet is dirty and injuerd.
Her hair is a mess and its hiding her right eye. Her eyes is hazel brown but you can still see the pain in them.
Every winter was like if you get locked in a freezer. No blankets...nothing warm to drink...nothing. She didn't want spetto-san to get in more trouble than she already is for getting caught while trying to give her a blanket. Her father threatened her that if she does something like that again she would get fired.
She didn't blame spetto-san...she tried her best and was always there for her...Now its been days....maybe can even have been years since she saw spetto-san last time. She couldn't even tell what date it was. She can't even remember how the outside looks like. But You can't blame her. She had been locked up in the cell for years.
She had been hungry for days . But now the hunger had stopped. But she know it will come back. It always does.
A memory when she and her mother was catching butterflies appeard.
'' Mama I'm gonna catch this! '' Little lucy pointed at a butterfly.
Her mother smiled at her.
Lucy jumped and caught it and she opened her hand where the butterfly was unharmed.
'' Mama I caught it! '' Lucy laughed and smiled a cute smile.
'' Good job Lucy.'' Her mother smiled.
'' Here you go!'' Lucy got down to her knees and helped the butterfly on a flower and then started standing up.
'' I'm so proud of you Lucy.'' Layla smiled.
'' Butterflies doesn't belong in some jar or something like that. They deserve to be free like everything els. Even bad peopel doesn't deserve to get killed.'' Lucy said and smiled. '' Right mama?''

'' You are right.'' Her mother smiled at her and lucy laughed a cute laugh.

This was just one of the few memories she could remember. Everything els was blurry. This is her life...And always will be her life...Locked up in a cell alone....noone to family....noone would save her...She lost that hope many years ago. This is how it always will be.

That was the first chappie I hope you all liked it :D

Til next time minna^^

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