Chapter 12: Sagittarius The Archer

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Ohaaaaaioo Minna!!!!
I decided to update today^^

I've been out the whole day skiing^^ I had fun with my friends and I'm death tired.

Im gonna do my homework after this and then write on Cold Days and try to Make sure it gets ready for when the prisoner in the shadows has ended^^

Well til Next time Minna Take Care!!^^


Lucy felt someone push her and she fell to the ground.
'' What the?'' She exclaimed.
A huge arrow was laying a few feets away from her.
Her eyes widen and she looked up to see natsu looking at someone.
'' Please don't let it be....'' She thought.
'' Moshi moshi Miss lucy!'' The hybrid said.
A man with a body mixed up between a horse and a human with a big bow in its hand looked at her.
'' Sagittarius!'' Lucy exclaimed horrified.
'' You know this guy?'' Natsu said suprised.
'' He's one of my celestial spirits.'' She answered and began to stand up.

'' He's a fricking Horse man!'' Natsu said with wide eyes.
'' More like a Man Horse!'' Happy exlaimed.
'' He's a hybrid...'' Lucy sweatdropped.
'' What's all the fuss about?'' Erza said while she went out from the guild.
'' Did you know Luceh got a Man Horse as a Spirit!'' Happy replied.
'' He's a Hybrid!!'' Lucy Screamed in irritation.
'' I think he lookes like a Horse man In my eyes. Whats a hybrid anyway?'' Natsu said while crossing his arms.
Lucy mentally facepalmed herself.
'' Enough with the chit chat. I'm here to take Miss Lucy with me to my master Moshi Moshiiii.'' Sagittarius said.
'' We are not chit chating you dumbass!'' Natsu growled in disbelief.
'' Isn't Lucy your master?'' Erza asked.
'' She is but I can not disobey the man that made me stronger.'' He said.
'' He's like virgo!'' Happy shouted.
'' Loosing virgo to the likes of you was a tragedy. But the show must go on.'' He pulled out a arrow.
Erza and Natsu began to stand in their battle stance.
'' Give me Lucy heartfilia or I will shoot.'' Sagittarius said.
'' Try if You Dare.'' Erza replied with a slight of angerness in her voice.
Sagittarius placed the arrow on the bow and the arrow started glowing. He aimed and fired.
The arrow flew at natsu and erza but they dodged it and when the arrow hit the ground it exploded so a big amount of the ground was burned away.
'' Fire Dragons Roar!'' Natsu yelled and aimed for sagittarius.
Sagittarius aimed for the fire and fired once again a arrow and this arrow flew right through the fire and landed on the ground a few feets away from Natsu.
'' Crap!'' He screamed and jumped at the left as the arrow exploded.
Erza requiped to her Black Wing Armor.
''Moon Flash!'' Erza shouted and ran pass Sagittarius while slashing her sword in cross pattern.
Sagittarius screamed in pain as the attack striked him on his chest.
'' Sagittarius!!'' Lucy Screamed Horrified.
Virgo's key started glowing and virgo appeard.
'' Virgo?'' She exclaimed.
'' Keep doing what you are doing. If you keep striking then him he'll loose his powers and then he will become a key again.'' Virgo said.
'' Finally some fighting I can Join.'' Natsu said while grinning and he lit his palm on fire.
'' Fire Dragons Iron fist!'' Natsu screamed while punshing his fists together and the fire started surrounding his fist hand he ran and he punshed sagittarius that flew right into a big rock while smoke surrounded the area.
Sagittarius was barely conscious.
''Requip Flame Empress Armor! Flame Slash!'' Erza screamed loudly while her sword started collecting fire and she swung her sword.'' Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!'' Natsu exlaimed and while his body was covered in flames and shot off at Sagittarius in high speed.

'' Unison Raid!'' They Screamed.
Both Natsu and Erza's atttack hit sagittarius that was now unconsious.
Sagittarius started glowing and he disappeard leaving a key behind.
'' Yosh!! We did it!'' Natsu screamed in happiness.
Lucy walked over to the key and picked it up.
'' Thank you.'' The key said.
She smiled. '' Your welcome Sagittarius.'' She thought.
She turned around and smiled.
'' Thank You. '' Lucy said and Erza requiped back to her normal armor and she smiled.
'' No problem Luce!'' Natsu said and grinned.
'' How many of does do you have Luche?'' Happy asked.
'' Well I have Virgo and Sagittarius....We have 8 more to go.'' She said.
'' 8 more?! You mean you have like 10 of does?'' Natsu exclaimed suprised.
She nodded.
'' Thats Awesome!'' Natsu said and his suprised face disappeard and was replaced by a wide grin.
Lucy started laughing.
Natsu looked at her confused. '' Did I say something wrong?''
'' No No...Its just the face you does everytime you see something awesome is priceless.'' Lucy said while laughing.
'' Hey! Don't Laugh at me!'' He exclaimed with a desperate voice.
Lucy didn't stop. The desperate tone in his voice made her laugh even more.
'' She's right you know.'' Erza giggled.
'' Hey Not fair! Its two against one!''
'' So noisy.'' Charle said while she shook her head.
'' I'm sorry.'' Lucy said while trying not to laugh.
Natsu started chuckle.
After a while they stopped laughing and everything was silent. But not long after that, everyone burst out laughing.
'' I wish this could go on forever.'' Lucy thought.
But She knew was impossible....

'' dad....How are mom doing?..'' Little lucy asked his father outside the infirmary.
Her Father didn't answer he just looked in disbelief at her.
Lucy flinched at the sight of her Fathers face looking at her.
'' Why did you disobey my oders!?'' He said with anger in his voice.
'' I'm...sorry father I..'' She started but Her father interrupted her.
'' You Disobeyed My oders!! You are the reason Layla is hurt!!'' He screamed in her face.
Lucy's eyes looked into his. Her eyes were trembling in fear and tears started gathering in her eyes.
'' I told you that going to the forest is dangerous!!'' He snapped.
'' I'm...sorry father.....'' Lucy said while looking down in shame. 

'' You better be! Because of you your Mother is Hurt!'' 

Lucy looked down with soulless eyes.
'' It really is my fault...'' She thought.


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