Chapter 2: The Mission

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Konichiwa Minna! Yeah I know. Two updates in two days. I wanted to make the updates a bit far off from each other but I just couldn't wait! So here's the second chapter of The Prisoner In The Shadows.

I dedicate this chapter to ZebraLuver1. ZebraLuver has been reading my stories and voting for them so I want to give her some extra credit....yeah i know many have read my story and I love ya all for that!^^ I reaally  love you all <3!!! So don't get sad and don't think that I don't like you all! Because I do:D

Lets start the Adventure Shall we? :D


''Hey give me my pants back!'' Gray shouted while running all over the place after natsu.
'' Catch me if you can Ice freak!'' He screamed.
'' What did you say fire breather?!'' Gray stopped and looked pissed of at his teammate.
'' Ara Ara please calm down!'' Wendy sweatdropped trying to end the fight.
'' You heard me Ice Princess!'' Natsu stopped infront of him.
''damn you...retard..'' Gray and natsu had their heads againgst each other with fire surrounding Natsu and Ice flames surrounding Gray.
Erza looked at them with a murdorus aura.
'' Are you two fighting?'' She asked.
'' No!'' They both said while having their arm around the others shoulder.
'' Good.'' Erza said while eating her cake.
'' I heard that the whole guild is going.'' Levy said to Lisanna.
'' No way!'' Lisanna gasped.
'' Yeah and I heard that the place is abandoned since many many years back.'' Levy told her.
'' No way!'' Lisanna gasped again.
'' Whats all the excitement about?'' Erza said and appeard behind Levy.
The rest of Team natsu wondered too so they joined them to.
'' I've heard that master makarov Is going to send the whole guild to a abandoned mansion. '' Levy turned around to erza when she spoke.
'' Abandoned? I Hope it have ghosts!'' Natsu grinned evily.
''g...g...ghosts?'' Wendy said scared.
'' Why If I can ask?'' Gray asked.
'' Because .'' A voice said and they all turned around.
'' Master!'' Erza gasped.
'' The president wants us to investigate the mansion. The place hasn't been used in many years. They want us to take a look and see if we can find any valuable items.'' Master Makarov said.
'' But why the whole guild?'' Lisanna asked.
'' No not the whole guild just some few peopel.''
'' Then we're are we going?'' Natsu asked.
''We are going to the Heartfilia Mansion.''

Everyone gasped.
'' You mean the heartfilia's that suddenly disappeard a few years ago?'' Mirajane gasped.
Makarov sighned.
'' Yes . The Heartfilia's that disappeard.'' He said.
'' Who are the heartfilias?'' Gajeel Asked while the others joined the conversation too.
'' The heartfilias was a family. Layla Heartfilia the mother and Jude Heartfilia thats the father and then their daughter Lucy Heartfilia.'' Levy said.
'' What do you know more about them?'' Erza asked while crossing her arms.
'' Layla is dead since many years back that I know for sure.'' Master Sighned.
'' The Father?'' Juvia asked.
'' Disappeard. Just like the daughter.'' Levy said.
'' Did they....'' Natsu started but the master cut him off.
'' Yes Natsu. They were magicians. The Mother was a celestial mage.''
'' Celestial mage? Wow..Their aren't many of those left.'' Gajeel said.
'' The only one I know Is Angel.'' Lisanna said.
'' The daughter is also a celestial mage.'' Master makarov crossed his arm while talking.
'' Is?'' Natsu asked.
'' There is a posibility that she's still alive. '' He said.
'' Either that or she's a ghost.'' Gray sighned.
Wendy was trembling in fear.

'' I want  Erza Levy Natsu Gray Juvia Gajeel and Wendy to check it out.'' Makarov announced.
'' Hai!'' They said.

~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~

They was standing outside the big old mansion. It was pretty old and dirty after all those years that noone had taken care of it. The windows was barricaded with wooden boards. The trees was old and dead and the grass was the only thing sticking out.
'' Lets take a look inside!'' Erza said and she pushed the door open and she walked in right through a spiderweb.
The inside of the mansion was like the outside dirty and untidy and the walls was ragged. The doors are crooked and broken.
'' Lets take a look around.'' Erza said and they walked ahead and stopped at the stair case.

~~~~~~1 Hour later~~~~~~~~

They meet up at the staircase again.
'' Found something?'' Erza asked.
'' Except spiderwebs ,broken things and Dirty clothes and such things? Then No I didn't find anything.'' Gray said.
'' Only photos of the family.'' Juvia said.

'' Geez seems like there's nothing valuable here.'' Gajeel sighned.
'' Atleast we tried.'' Juvia said.
Levy looked at a map.
'' Where did ya get that?'' Natsu asked curious.
'' In the office room. '' Levy said.
They all leand in to see whats on the map.
'' Seems like we missed one floor. The basement.'' Levy told them.
Thats it for this time mina!!

Hope you all liked it:D

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