Chapter 10 Naomi and Jessica

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''If you think i'm still bothered about Conrad, i'm not, i thought it through after we talked about it and i'm fine with you being friends, i get it.'' Said Alex

''I forgave you yesterday, it's not about Conrad''

''Well what is it then?''

''never mind'' i mumbled quietly ''Douchebag.''

-Alex's P.O.V-

She mumbled something under her breath. Best not ask just incase i push it too far, wonder what i did wrong this time? I felt a buzz in my pocket. Must be another text from Jessica. I looked up to see if Ari was still in the room. She left into the bedroom and shut the door, must be having an early night.

It was eleven o'clock exactly. I unlocked my phone.

Three texts.

Two from Jessica and one from Naomi.


22:43 Aleexxx where aree you?? xx :*

22:47 Babe i'll get this party started without you ;) xxx


22:54 Yoyooo get ur ass up here Turner or i'll get it up here myself xxxx

God they're so persistent. Just like i remember from college. There seems to be a theme with the whole getting back with people from college recently. Paris must be the place to be.

I headed to the bedroom and crept in quietly, Ari was softly sleeping on my side of the bed again.

''Little muppet'' I whispered.

I heard a snort come from somewhere in the room. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Ari, she's still asleep. Atleast i think so.

I slipped into my leather jacket, and grabbed my wallet.

I felt my phone buzz again in my pocket. Naomi's humorous ringtone blared out.

"I was gonna clean my room until I got high"

Shit. I glanced over at Ari. Still sleeping peacefully. I hurried out the room and closed the door gently behind me.

"I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high"

The hip hop voice of Afroman echoed through the apartment

"My room is still messed up and I know why"

"why man!?"

"Because I got high, because I got high,because I got hiigghh."

''~la da da da dadada''

I finally managed to pull my phone out my pocket and silence the whole ordeal before the start of the next verse about getting high.

"WHY'D YOU ONLY CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE HIGH ALEX" came a slurring familiar voice from the other end of the phone. Guess the whole high ordeal isn't actually over then.

"You called me, Naomi." I replied carelessly.

"oh whoop dee fuckin' doo,let's identify the obvious shall we, give a fuckin' medal to albro turnlefter over here" it was obvious she'd had quite a bit to drink.

"Yeah, a medal hurhur" Jessica's drunken voice mimicked in the background.

"Oh shu'up ya twats, i'll be there in a sec'' i started making my way out of the apartment.

''Okaaayy, but just so you know, we're outside your flat'' Naomi's voice tookover again.

''Wait what, i thought i was meeting you at the bar''

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