You look perfect

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A birthday gift for my dear friend CelinaHerkules . (I'm sorry, her birthday has priority over The Framework Fic).

Takes place after the Framework arc, everyone is saved and fine, or at least healthy.

They are all safe now, and at the Avenger's Tower, since the Playground has been destroyed. Tony had been surprised, glad to see Coulson, but he wasn't here often. The other Avengers dropped by every now and then, but mainly it was just them. And since 'Team Cap' was away and on the run, everything was complicated enough.

In Daisy's opinion having escaped and killed Aida and the Superior was something to celebrate, so she invites everyone to a party at the Avenger's Tower, and Mace and Coulson even agree. Everyone needs to get a break from the world. Or any other world. Basically everyone is there, even Tony, and Natasha, the music is loud and the alcohol tasty. What do you need more for a party? Coulson, wearing a white shirt, black pants and no tie, holds a glass of scotch in his hand. He hasn't seen Melinda yet and wonders where she is.

"Hey Daisy" he asks the young Inhuman who is currently talking to Jemma. "Have you seen May?" Daisy shakes her head. "We thought you'd know" she states. Phil nods and puts his glass away. If she isn't here, she'll probably be in her room. He walks out of the room, and heads to her quarters. Natasha crosses his way. "On your way to Melinda?" she asks. Phil nods. "I just wanted to get you- she won't open the door for me. Of course, I could kick it open but I don't want a fight with her." "I'll take care of her" Phil promises. Natasha nods, then hugs him briefly. "I'm so happy you're alive, you know that?" Phil smiles at her. Natasha returns the smile, then pats him on the shoulder. "Go fix her" she murmurs and goes back to the party.

Phil moves forward until he reaches her door. He softly knocks. "Go away, Nat" May's cracked voice sounds through the wood. "Not Nat" Phil says softly. "It's me." No response. It was an old game, and Phil knew how to play it. He rolled up his shirt sleeves and sat down, back against the door. "Melinda, I'm gonna stay here until you open the door. You know I'm serious." Again, no response. Phil leans his head against the door and says "I'm here for you. I know you're not okay, so please Lin. Please open the door." Maybe it was because he used her old nickname, or she wanted to do it anyways, but Phil almost falls into her room as she opens the door.

He quickly stands up and looks into her eyes. She has dark circles around them, they are red from her silent cry. Her hair is messy and he can tell she hasn't slept much. "Can I come in?" he asks softly. May nods and lets him in. Although the door is closed now, he  can still hear the music from the party.
"Why didn't you come?" he asks. "Phil- I just didn't feel like it." She sits down on the edge of her bed. Phil honkers down in front of her and puts his hand on hers, which rests on her knee.

"Is it because of the-" She nods and presses her lips together. May has the hardest time processing the things that happened in the Framework, given her having been in there the longest, having experienced more torture of her brain. They stay silent, but it's a comforting silence. Phil knows how she feels, and May knows that he knows, which calms her more than it should.

The music that pulses through the building has lost beat and wilderness, a much calmer song is playing now. He stands up and offers both his hands to her. "How about we forget this all for a few minutes? Melinda, would you dance with me?" Now he recognises the song. It's 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. She looks into his eyes, then eventually takes his hand. He draws her closer and starts to lead her through the steps. Melinda falls into the familiar rhythm way too easily. After a minute of just dancing, well more like swaying, and staring into each other's eyes, it's like there is said more than ever could have been in an oral conversation.

"All the things I saw Phil" May whispers "it made me happy, but it was fake..." His gaze turns soft. "Lin, we are, who we are. Scars and all. Everything bad that happened to you? It made you the person you are right now. A person I could not live without."

Tears are building in her eyes and she drops her forehead to his chest. It's all too much suddenly. He's too good to her. She doesn't deserve him. How could she? The Framework May maybe was someone for him. But her, the real May? How could she ever be enough?

He caresses her back with his fingers and pulls her closer, very gently. They've stopped moving to the music. "Melinda, you are perfect to me" he whispers and presses a kiss to her hair. She inhales his scent, it smells like home. It is home. She looks into his blue eyes. "You always look at me like that" she says, voice cracking. He tilts his head. "Like what?" "Like I'm your everything" she mumbles "and I can't believe it. After all I've do-" "You are my everything" he interrupts her. "I told you, I couldn't live without you." She stares at him, unable to believe what he just said.

He lowers his face and suddenly their foreheads touch. "I just want you to feel okay, and safe" he confesses "I can't bear seeing you hurt." Melinda doesn't know what to say, instead she closes the tiny distance between them and captures his lips with hers. He kisses her back, softly, sweet. She feels safe. Finally she feels safe.

They only break apart as someone slams against the door. "Coulson!" Starks drunk voice is to be heard. "You alive? Did you convince her?" "Stark, I think you should leave" May calls. "Or do you want to feel my foot in your face?" "Fine fine I'll leave you alone... that's gonna be some nice gossip" Tony sings and they hear his steps as he leaves. They look at each other and suddenly have to chuckle silently. A warm feeling floods May's heart and makes her melt against his chest as he hugs her again.

Hope this one's worth a gift. I promise, the next one will be Famework.

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