Dear Daisy what to say to you

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Based on the Hamilton songs "Dear Theodosia", "Dear Theodsia (Reprise)", Stay Alive (Reprise)", and "It's Quiet Uptown". Quotes from these songs will be written cursive. Ignoring Andrew and Bahrain. Daisy is Philinda's biological daughter in this one.

"What to say to you? You have my eyes (...) When you came into the world you cried and it broke my heart."

May held her little angel in her arms, this baby of hers and Phil's. The little girl looks at her with big brown eyes, such as her own. Warmth and love fills her heart as the baby reaches for her hand and takes one finger into her small fist. A much larger hand covers their both hands and Phil presses a gentle kiss to the side of her head. "I love you two so much" he whispers, and Melinda could swear that there are tears in his the corners of his eyes as Daisy first lets out a small cry, then cries louder. "What is it, Angel Eyes?" Phil asks with a thin voice and gently touches the infants' cheek. Melinda rocks her in her arms, whispering soothing words to her newborn daughter. "It's fine, Phil" she says quietly to him as she sees silent tears running down his cheeks. "She's fine." Seeing Phil so emotional shows her how deeply he cares, and that he shows this raw emotion touches her heart, and warms it all over again. Soon Daisy stops crying, and her father carefully wipes her tears away, then kisses her forehead. Melinda smiles.


"I'm dedicating every day to you, domestic life was never quite my style but when you smile... you knock me out I fall apart and I thought I was so smart."

Phil rubs his eyes tiredly. It's almost 10pm, he still has tons of paperwork to work through and Melinda still hasn't returned from her mission. She's told him several times that he doesn't have to worry about her, that she'll always return to him and Daisy, but he can't help it. Daisy and Melinda are the most important things in his life, and he could not bear losing either of them. Maybe that's because relationships between agents are forbidden, but hey, he's always been Fury's favourite.
"Daddy?" he hasn't noticed his daughter standing in the doorframe, with her stuffed animal in her arms. Phil drops his pen as he sees that she's crying, and rushes over to her. Work can wait, she's more important. "What is it, Angel Eyes?" he asks her and takes her into his arms. His five year old daughter buries her face in his neck. "I can't sleep" she cries "I had a bad dream." He gently rocks her. "What happened?" "Mommy didn't come back from her mission."
Phil brushes over her back. "It was just a dream, little one. Mama will always come back to us, she promised that. And she will come back soon. I promise."
Daisy hugs her father tight. "Really?" She's stopped crying but still is still burying her face in his neck.
He kisses the back of her neck. "Really. Do you want to wait here with me?" She nods and he carries her to the couch where they sit down. Daisy snuggles into Phil's side and yawns. "Daddy I love you. And I love Mommy." Phil smiles at her and she returns the smile, a smile that reveals the tooth space she's so proud of, a smile that warms Phil's heart.
They both are asleep when Melinda returns, and she doesn't even think of going to bed. No, she snuggles into Phil's other side and falls asleep on the couch almost immediately.


"How to say to you? Some time last night your [father] breathed your name and like a flame that flickers out too soon [he] died [he]'s gone."

Daisy rushes to her parents' house, opens the door and basically runs to the living room, where she finds her mother sitting on the couch, face in her hands. "Mom?" she asks with a thin voice. "Are the rumours true that dad-" Melinda looks up and there are tears streaming down her face. Never, never, in the 24 years of her life has Daisy seen her mom crying. "He died. He's gone." The last word comes out as a sob and Daisy's next to her mom, falling into her arms. "I don't believe that" she says with a thin voice and buries her face in her mom's neck. Neither of them how long they stayed like this, mourning their incredible loss, until Nick Fury appears, and tells them that he's gonna resurrect Phil. Daisy smiles as Melinda beats the shit out of the Director after she learns about how Phil will be resurrected. Two years later they're on the same team as Phil, have to keep the truth about his resurrection from him. He finds out eventually, of course he does, but his love for them is too great to not forgive them.


"Is [she] alive? - yes, but have you have to understand, the bullet entered just above [her] hip and lodged in [her] right arm."

It all has happened so fast. Daisy has been standing sideways, gun in her hand, as the Russian shot at her without any kind of warning. Coulson and May scream in union, they shoot him right in the face as their daughter falls backwards, almost like in slow motion. Phil lets his gun fall to the ground and rushes over to her. "Daisy" he says. "Do you hear me?" There is blood everywhere, the bullet has slammed through her entire abdomen. "Dad" Daisy gets out weakly, coughing blood. "I'm sorry, Dad. I should have reacted faster- have been prepared-" "Sh, Daisy. You did good." Tears are burning in his eyes and now Melinda is next to him too, reaching for Daisy's pale face. Her forehead is glistening with cold sweat and she breathes shakily. "Mom-" "Sh, Daisy. Sh. Don't talk, just stay alive. Please" Melinda says. "Help is on its way. Simmons will be here in no time." "I love you Mom" Daisy says, voice becoming thinner and thinner. "I love you Dad." Phil presses his hand on her wound, but the blood is running through his fingers. "Stay alive" Melinda begs, and her tears drop on Daisy's face. "Stay alive."
Daisy smiles at her parents for one last time, then something in the depths of her eyes gets lost and she stares at them without seeing, she doesn't breathe anymore. Her heart doesn't beat anymore. Melinda lets out a cry that shatters Phil's heart into a million pieces and she clings to her daughters' dead body, rocking forwards and backwards as Phil slings his arms around her, pressing her to his chest with tears streaming down his face.


"There are moments that the words don't reach
There is a grace too powerful to name
We push away what we can never understand
We push away the unimaginable"

Phil stands next to Melinda. They stare at the gravestone, that proof that what they push away all the time is real. Melinda hasn't spoken in days. She hasn't eaten either. Phil tries to be there for her, but she seems unreachable. "I love you Melinda. This loss is tearing me apart, and I need you. Please don't give up on me. Don't give up on yourself." He looks at her with tears in his eyes. She places a rose on Daisy's grave and looks at him. "I love you too" she says quietly. It's the first thing she's said in five days. Phil feels how she takes his hand and presses it gently. He pulls her into a hug and just as it starts to rain he presses a kiss to her head and she starts crying quietly.

"The moments when you're in so deep
it feels easier to just swim down."

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