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I slowly walked to the floor to ceiling windows on the helicarrier and saw the bright blue beam shot up at the sky. A swirling portal was at the top of the beam, showing stars and galaxies. I dashed from the room in shock to tell Fury about the open portal, even though he probably has already found out. I ran into the room he was almost always in, the meeting room.

I bursted through the doors and Fury basically said "So I am guessing you saw it." "What are we going to do!?" I asked and yelled. "I have already alerted the other avengers, but you and Emilie are kind of young, you both will get extra powers. I believe that Stark has made Emilie a suit, so Thor has made you something." Fury explained, turning to Thor who was standing right next to him. "Oh yeah! I have made Lady Francesca a hammer similar to mine, but a bit smaller. I had named it Minik. It means 'to hurt' in a Midgard language called basque. The hammer is yours and it will always be yours, forever." Thor bowed down as he gave me the hammer, in a fancy way. It was like someone giving a member of royalty a crown. I wrapped my hand around the handle of the hammer. It looked like it would weight a ton, but it seemed as light as a feather. I grasped Minik in my hand, shocked that Thor would give me something like this.

The sound of shrieking sirens rang out, piercing the silence in the air. Fury stepped forward, with a stern look etched across his face. "That's our signal. The enemies should start coming out of the portals any minute now, but we need you, Emilie, Stark, and Rogers out in Miami, where Cats portal is. Thor, Hawkeye, Black widow, and Banner stay here in New York. We have to use some of the Tesseracts energy to teleport you people to Miami. Go down to the garage. NOW!" Fury yelled the last part, shoving me out of the door as he said it.

I had to run down numerous flights of stairs to get to the last floor, which was the garage. I hate stairs... When I finally reached the garage, I was gasping for air. I had just ran down about ten painful flights of stairs. I burst through the doors, and saw Steve, Tony, and Emilie standing around a weird looking piece of technology. The words 'Stark Industries' was written across the left side. "Oh look, she's finally here. It took Agent Francesca longer to get here than it took for Rogers to melt from being a capsicle." Tony said, grinning sarcastically. "Whatever." I managed to say between breaths.

I walked up to the contraption and Tony told me to hold on to a handle that was on it. Apparently, this was the teleporter that Fury was talking about. It looked like a silver shiny wheel, with four spoke like handles protruding from the outside circle. In the middle, was a glowing blue rock that was the same color as the portals. I could only guess that that was a piece of the Tesseract. Each of us grabbed one of the four handles, and Tony pressed a button on the wheel. Suddenly, all I could see were all the colors of the spectrum. I felt like I was dropping, as though I was ridding a roller coaster. After about three seconds, my feet landed on solid ground. My vision cleared, and I saw the towering palm trees that indicated we were in Miami, Florida. Just like New York, there was a brilliant blue streak in the sky. Armies of aliens poured from the portal, like a never ending stream of water. Tony and Emilie suited up, and Steve held onto his trusty shield. I grasped the handle of Minik, ready for battle. Once all of us were ready, we dashed toward the mob of angry aliens, ready to kill. And win.

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