Chapter 11

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*****Time skip 6 months******

New target Eisuke Ichinomiya, Runs black market auctions

Location lives at Tres Spades.

8 million will be payed on completion


Shocked she dropped her phone. Its been six months since Zilla has been staying at the penthouse with the boys and have gotten use to them. Kuni had decided to move his main branch from London back to Japan due to his wife being closer to her family. She and Eisuke still have sex regularly but something in the sex has changed. It was no longer wild passion, the passion was there but now there was more emotion involved and it started to get to her. She can't afford to fall in love with him, people she love dies one way or another. 

*sigh* she walked into the lounge.

Zilla: 'Ota, i have a favour to ask you.'

Ota: 'What is it Koro?'

Zilla: 'Can you design a new building for me. Not for free i will pay you'

Ota: 'Sure Koro, how about a date then.'

Zilla: 'Hahaha... ok then, let me know when.'

Just then Soryu and Eisuke waked in. Zilla has been training with Soryu so he shows a little more emotion around her. 

Eisuke: 'Who gave you permission to go out with someone other than me.'

Zilla: 'Aww... honey don't be so possessive.' she teased. 

Soryu: 'Hey Zilla.'

Zilla: 'Hi you just getting back too I was about to head to your office.'

Soryu: 'Yea, that why I came Samejima told me.'

Zilla: 'Let me get dressed and we will leave in a second.' she left the lounge showered and returned quickly. (see outfit below)

Zilla: 'Alright lets go

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Zilla: 'Alright lets go. Bye Eisuke try not to miss me two much ok.' she said blowing a kiss at him. As she left with Soryu. 

******Ice Dragon Headquarters*******

Inui: 'Sir..... your back and you have princess with you.'

Soryu: sigh

Zilla: 'Hi Inui... my missed me.' she said and kissed him on the cheek

Inui: 'Princess!!!!' he said blushing and hugging her.

Soryu: Sigh 'Eisuke will kill me of he saw that.'

Zilla: 'Hahahaha..... He is possessive no one touches his things.' 'Oh Inui where is Samejima.'

Samejima: 'Right here.'

Zilla: 'You have my payment.'

Samejima: 'Here.' handing her the largest box of Godiva she had ever seen.

Zilla: 'Ok lets get cracking' she said cracking her knuckles and heading toward the simulation room. She had it up graded so their training will be more realistic and also backed up the building security with some high tech shit. Sitting in front of the computer looking at all four screens her hand moved like lightening speed. 

*****Soryu P.O.V*****

I leaned on the door frame watching her work. Her speed always amazed me, I get why she is the best. Even her fighting skills are exceptional, I have her training Inui and Samejima regularly, we even spar at times. Her serious expression is so lovely the way she would bit on her buttom lip, makes me want to suck it. Shit I cant be thinking this Eisuke is my best friend, it is clear he is in love with her.  As she got of from one screen and walked to another I watched as her hips swayed. Feeling frustrated I turned to leave when she addressed me. 

Zilla: 'Ah Soryu...'

Soryu: 'Yea what.'

Zilla: 'I am finished but I want to talk to you for a bit.'

Soryu: 'Sure come to my office.'

*******In Office*******

Zilla: 'I will be leaving for a while and I need you to protect Eisuke'

Soryu: 'What? Why are you leaving? Why do i have to protect him?'

Zilla: Sigh 'Do I have to explain.This will take a while.'

Soryu; 'Yes, i am listening.We have time.'

Zilla: 'Very well. You all know by now that I was a Russian spy.' she looked at him and he nodded signaling her to continue. 'Well i left because the murdered my family. Or should I say they allowed the murder of my child to occur. Their was a mission i was sent to complete with required me killing the head of the Russian mafia. I was all set to complete it but just before i pulled the trigger i say his daughter head over his shoulder and she smiled at me. She looked so sweet just like my baby boy. So i told her shh and I walked away. I couldn't let that child see me kill her father, even if he is a mob boss.' she didn't realize she was crying until Soryu handed her a napkin to dry her tears. 

Soryu sat next to her as she continued. 'What i did was waited for him to put her to bed and i ambushed him in his room. I told him I was sent to kill him and his entire family. He started to panic until i explained to him that I would fake his death and he and his daughter were to flee. And they did, they are under Rahamn protection. I knew Rahamn before because he saved my life. Anyhow the Agency A.I.S found out i faked his death when i got home some weeks after I saw my old boss holding my son in his arms and blew his brains out. I lost it and went AWOL. I murdered every one in the agency, and whipped there system clean and sold all information to the Mafia.'

Soryu: 'And now.'

Zilla: 'And now i am a hitman for hire known as 'Master Lilith' and was given a hit to kill Eisuke.'

Soryu's eyes went from shock, to anger, to betrayal, to then sadness and pity.

 Zilla: 'Relax I won't kill him. I love him sigh the people I love die Soryu you need to protect him.'

Soryu: 'Ok, what will you do.

Zilla: 'I am gonig to hunt down the son of a bitch that wants me to kill my man that's what. When I find him i will put a bullet in between his eyes.'

Soryu: Sigh 'but who will protect you'

Zilla: 'No one I can protect my self. I will be fine.'

Soryu: 'No you won't! your going to fucking die and you know it!

Zilla: 'Soryu..............'

Soryu: 'Let me help you. let me and my men protect you.'

Zilla: 'Hahaha... your sweet I see why your his best friend.' 

Soryu looked into his eyes new that she had already made up her mind. sighing he ran his had through his hair. 'Fine, I will protect him.'

Zilla: 'Thanks. I really appreciate it. I will be in contact but you know how these staying low things work. i will let you know i am alive don't worry.'

Soryu: sigh 'He will be pissed you know that right. He will find you.' 

Zilla: 'Don't worry that will be taken care of.'

Soryu: 'When do you leave.'

Zilla: ' I can't tell you that but its soon.' 

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