Chapter 15

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Soryu: 'Wait! Zilla talk to Eisuke please.'

Zilla: 'Ok.....'

Soryu: 'Eisuke!!! its Zilla.'

Eisuke: 'What?!...Zilla baby are you ok.'

Zilla: 'Eisuke..... I am sorry I lied to you I am sorry.'

Eisuke: 'Hey hey what's that where is my bad ass, cutthroat, horny woman.'

Zilla:'hahaha... idiot! .... Eisuke...I am.... never mind its nothing i got to go.'

Eisuke: 'Zilla where are you?'

Zilla: 'I found his location Eisuke. I have to go tell Soryu thanks. Bye.'


Eisuke: 'Zilla! ZILLA!' 

Ota: 'What the matter Boss.'

Eisuke: 'Zilla she hung up. Soryu, what did she want? why is she calling you not me?'

Soryu: 'The Raids want your head and she's going after their heads.'

Eisuke: 'What!!! with my baby in her she going to get them both killed.''We are leaving now.'

Soryu:' Yea I will call the Dragons.'

Every one got into Eisuke's Jet bound for Hong Kong. 

*****Hong Kong*****

Zilla with tears streaming down her face whispered i love you Eisuke we're going to have a baby.' She lay on her bed and drifted off to sleep. 

When morning came Zilla went to he hospital. 

Doctor: 'Ms Zilla Draco. please follow me '

Zilla: 'Yes.'

Doctor: 'Ms Draco, you are 3 months pregnant.'

Zilla:'Really!!!' smiling to herself.

Doctor:' The obstetrician will come not to do a sonogram.'

Zilla smiled and patted her stomach after the doctor came and gave her a picture of her baby. She noticed she did gain weight despite her constant vomiting. Seeing her baby not she knew she had to get this over with. 

*****Ice Dragon headquarters Hong Kong**********

Dragon1: 'Boss one of the guys spotted Ms. Draco leave the hospital.

Dragon 2: 'Sir I just heard she just got on a train to Beijing.'

Soryu:'Shit! Tell them follow her.'

Eisuke:' Well let's go.'

Soryu: 'Move out guys. The rest will meet us there.'

*****Night fall Beijing*******

Zilla dressed in black with a bullet proof vest. Armed with blades and guns, poison and her sniper rifle. She shot the surrounding guards a little way from the house (see picture above). Moving closer with and Ak47 and a semi automatic on either side of her an a shot gone strapped to her back she walked through the building shooting everyone on sight. One bullet for each person, with expert precision. Dropping guns once they where out of bullets. 

When she finally came face to face with Chen. She was on her last gun a nine millimeter with three bullets. However she found herself surrounded by his three personal guards. She shot one in the head but the second one caught her off guard. Knocking her hand up causing her to waste her two remaining bullets. He tried to kick her in the stomach but she blocked him. Pulling out a dagger she rammed it into his side, and then another into his chest before falling to the ground. She turned to face her last opponent  when she heard a gun shot. Looking down she realised she was shot in the leg. But she refused to stop she then received another shot in her shoulder causing her to drop one knee unto the floor. Looking up at him in rage as he was about to pull the trigger she heard three shots, before seeing the man in front of her drop to the floor.

Before loosing consciousnesses she whispered. 'Eisuke....' 

Hearing some one call out her name and slapping her face her eyes opened slightly. 

Zilla: 'Eisuke.....' she whispered.

Eisuke: 'Come on Zilla don't you pass out on me!!!! stay awake COME ON!!!'

Zilla reached into her pocket and pulled out her sonogram and handed it to him. ''

Eisuke: 'I know honey I know stay awake ok you got to try and stay awake. SHIT!!! SORYU WHERE IS THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!!!!.'

Soryu: 'They are hear Eisuke let them take her.'

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