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The game swallowed my heart and mind into this zone. Aaron, Austin, Odubel drama had been sent to the back of my mind. This was my time to shine, this was my moment. I was lost in a game I loved so much. The drama has all faded away to the back of  my mind and memory. 

It was the eighth inning, nerves were running extremely high. We were tied with the Dodgers at  2. My arm ached, but the coach had taken me out so there was no need to worry about me being plagued by injury. Odubel stood anxiously at the plate. He held his bat close to himself. Despite the fact that Odubel maintained his natural stance, he was obviously stiff. Although I am barely religious in any way. I couldn't help but do anything that would work. So I put a silent, mental prayer into action. It was on the second pitch that Odubel Herrera hit it. There were runners on first and second. For a moment the world seemed to freeze, due tp the shock and excitement building up in our dugout. The fastball hit the wooden bat wth a loud crack and my hands immediately clamped over my mouth. 

Cody, Cameron and I were all three clutching each other tightly. My heart was racing, this was all I needed to win. Well hopefully, at least. All of our eyes followed the ball as it landed, emphatically, in the center field seats. The entire team exploded into the cheers. 

"It's gone! Wooo Odubel!" I cheered as I pushed past teammates in order to be the first one to congratulate my best friend. Odubel sprinted his fast  home run trot home. I sprinted up the stairs and as soon as he was in reach, I wrapped my arms around him. He was sweaty -I probably was too- but it didn't matter. We were enriched in a hug so perfect that even the opposing team was touched. I was well aware of Odubels strong muscular arms and chest that had all collected me into a warm, powerful hug. 

"Thank you so much Odubster!" I whispered excitedly in his ear. 

"No problem, Abster!" He chuckled and I kind of giggled. This was weird. I spotted Austin and he smiled encouragingly, but I could tell there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. 

"Look how cute! Are y'all gonna kiss now?" Aaron's cruel harsh laugh was the only thing to separate Odubel and me. 

"I'm warning you, Nola." I said, turning abrubtly to my former best frued. 

"Oh, but it's true! You dont think that I didnt understand what was happening back there!" 

"Guys what is he talking about?" Cody asked Odubel and I wjos arms had released each other. Austin was looking into the dugout, concered. 

"Nothing." Odubel tried to keep his answer short and sweet. 

"Oh so now, nothing is cheating on your boyfriend? I see how it is Abby! If you honestlt thought that I was dumb enough to theink that you and Oduble's lips to be centimeters from touching, was just a coincidence, you are dead wrong, princess!" 

"What?!" Cameron asked, shocked. He raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Abby, Odubel is this true?" 

Odubel and I looked down at our feet. In that moment I could see the hope and promszie that Cody and Cameron had for Odubel and I disappear. 

"That's right! Y'all wouldn't want to be friends with a cheater!" 

"You shut your mouth or I swaer to god I will!" I advanced my bsody swiftly towards aaron. Odubel and Cameron tried to hold me back. The game had paused to figure out what this altercation was over. 

"Tell em Abby, tell your friends how you and Odubel were caressing each others faces! Surely all y'all should be aware of the contents ofb cheating! We all know that was a little more than just a pep talk!" Cameron and Cody both seemed to have lost any hope they had left in odubel and I. My fist cleanched, then the moment of horroe hit me. Austin had heard. Aaron had made sure thta he would hear. Austin's face looked heartbroken. "Yeah that's right Ab, now youe boyfruend knows! Now yove brokem both Nola brothers hearts! You are a horrible, monster of a woman Ms.Smith, you sleep with teammates only to date their brothers and then you cheat with teamamyes! They never shouldve let you in!" Aarons words hurt, they stung, like a fastball. Exceot worse, tehree was more than a bruise that would be eft. That was it, I had it with being all fine with aaron constantly messing up my career and life. This was teh last straw. 

I wound my fist back and punchefd him hard. Aarons nose began rapidly bleeding. But instead f breaking down like I thought he would, he punched me back, relatively hard on the mouth. But the pain was more from the  person giving me the punch than the punch itself. 

"hey! hey! hey! Back off you two!"  Cody pulled me back and Zach pulled Aaron back. Blood escaped my mouth when I spit. The fresh taste of blood filled my moyth. Odubel looked at me slightly only to look away. Austin looked devestated. 

"Well you are a horirble messed up man Mr.Nola! You cant even control your own pitches! Hell you cant even hit! You cant hit shit, Nola! And that girl yiyu drag around! You dont care about her and she sure as hell dosent care about ypu! Any woman who actually cared for you is stupid! And to think that at one point I actually wante d your love!" With that I ushed past countless teammates, wiping at the tears that were on the verge of escaoing my eyes. Everyone was calling afteer me byt I ugnored them. 

"Abigail! Hey, it's okay, we all make mistakes." I looked up cameron was running after me trying to talk calmly to me. 

"Cameron, I dont know what happened its just I... I...I dont know we were walking and then we stopped and we didnt kiss but we were gonna. I loved him cameron I really did! I loved him!" Cameron took me in his arms as I began to cry lightly. 

"Who, Odubel?" 

"No, Aaron!" 

"Oh, Abby, you poor thing." As soon as I said Cameron responded immeadiatekt by squeezing me tighter.

"I was so stupid!" 

"No youre not. Herr lets get you cleaned up." Cameron lead me to the althletic office and gave me ice and a bunch of tissues to use on my lip which had swollen to double its size. After a bit we decided I was ready to return to the team. 

"You know if you were good enough, you were gonna become Mrs.Nola?" Aaron said as he passed me by horridly with a bloody tissue on his nose. 

"You stay away from me!" I said frustratedly. Cameron shushed me and warned aaron to go back to his spot in the dugout. 

We won. But I didnt reallyc are or notice. I had to face Austin one way or another and I was horrified. I found him waiting by the exit after the game. 

"Austin, look, I'm sorry." I reached out to my sulking boyfriend. He pushed my hand away  from him. 

"Why did you do it Abby? I...I thought you loved me." Austin Nola, the strong shortstop, I knew and loved so dear. The same man who held me when I was going to cry, lolooked like he was gonna cry. And it was all because of me. "Ab, I was gonna convert to catcher for you, just to help you with your pitching." My mind flashed back to what Aaron had said to me earlier about me becoming Mrs.Nola.

"Austin, I do love you. I love you very ,uch." I attempeted to hug him again. Tears were welling in my eyes. 

"Then wy? Why did you d o it? If you really loved me then yiu wouldtn have cheated on me." 

"Austin I was confused. I was having a breakdown and I couldnt find you. Odubel found me and helped me. We werre stressed and tired. There was no intent on hurting you. There wasnt much thinking actually. We didnt kiss though, Aaron has exagerated this whole thing. Cant we please just put this behind us?"

"I wish we could, Abigail. I really do. But we camt." He had begun to walk away from me. 

"Austin cant you see what I did for you?! Look at my lip! Do you think I wanted this?! Wousl you have even done the same for me?" I was beginning to cry after him now. 

"I wouldve. But that..." Austin pointed to my lip "was for him. That was for Odubel, Abigail, not me."  

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