The Ragin' Cajun

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Jessica POV

When we arrived at the PHL international airport I was pretty weak with nerves. I typically never get nervous, it seemed silly to get so panicked from something as simple as Odubel and Abigail. Part of me was secretly hoping that Javy would stay close to me and socialize with me but of course, that is impossible. Within just ten minutes if landing in Philadelphia, Javier Baez completely abandoned me, Jessica Girard, for his actual friends on the team. Who am I kidding he's no actually my friend, he just forces himself to hang out with me to prevent team issues on the field? I sighed, yet again I was on my own. The boys were laughing and talking, having fun enjoying their sweet perfect little lives. I was too busy walking on my own and sulking to focus on having fun. This was how it always was. You'd see this big bunch of boys laughing and talking, acting like a team and then a couple of feet away, there is one girl staring depressingly at her phone. I was texting my friends from back home in Quebec. They had all kept telling me the boys would adjust to me soon and I should just give them time. Just give them a chance. Maybe this other girl, Abigail, would understand me and maybe even befriend me? Nah, that's wishful thinking. Odds are she probably hates me already.

"Yo, Jess! Hey, Jess!" I turned to hear a familiar Spanish voice shouting my name, no it's not Odubel. It's Javy. He was sprinting after me from behind me after we got off the bus at the hotel. 

"Ugh, what is it, Baez? Where's the fire?" 

"You're getting your own room!" I was beaming, usually, Javy and I would have this awkward time of being forced ti share a room. And if you are sharing a room with a guy who you are not romantically attached to is awkward as heck. 

"Oh thank god." 

"Hey, I wasn't that bad of a roommate!" 

"Maybe not to you, you weren't." 

"What on earth did I do to deserve this?"

"I was just always afraid you might you know try and bring some girl or something into our room." 

"Yeah right, whatever. Anyways go find your room." 

"See ya Javy!" 

"So long precious!"

My own room was very nice and pleasant and I could finally get the chance to facetime my girls, Emma and Chloe, about Odubel Herrera.  I talked to the two of them for roughly half an hour before I had to leave for a game time. They both begged me to at least say hi to Abigail. 

After I was fully changed, I headed anxiously up the dugout steps and to the field Javy wasn't ready yet, no one was. So I stood awkwardly on the sidelines waiting for what to do. The other team had finally begun appearing I saw about five players exit their dugout and onto the field. The crowd applauded them. Darn, there already was a lot of them before game time. What is wrong with me I am worried since when was I afraid of fans.

Suddenly my standing was interrupted with a familiar language, French. But it wasn't the type I had grown up with, it was weird, broken up between both American and French, Cajun. It was a woman speaking it with a man. I could tell by the voices. When I turned my head to see where it was coming from I was shocked. There she was. She stood tall even though she was a good three inches shorter than me. She was one of those people who gave up a strong essence of pride and strength. Shouldn't surprise me, she was after all the same woman who has been voted number one major league pitcher. I gulped, it was her, it was Abigail Smith. 

I made my way slowly and cautiously towards her. I took each step carefully like I was a mine field and it would all explode if I took one misstep. I took multiple deep breaths as I made my way towards the other woman. My team still wasn't out. She stopped laughing with her teammates when she noticed me. More one of her teammates nudged her, attempting to get her to acknowledge me. 

"H-h-i-i... I am uh um Jessica, Jessica Girard. Second baseman for the Chicago Cubs." I stuck out a hand for her to shake. First, she eyed it gruffly, then she took it fiercely, her hands were rough yet soft at the same time. "I was wondering if you uh had some advice for me on ya know being a female baseball player." 

"I long for the day when I can breathe and live easy." Was all she simply responded? I took more steps back than I had hoped, she had a deep confident booming voice that shook my body. Someone laughed from behind her. Then he stepped out from behind her to reveal himself. I panicked and turned bright red when I identified him as none other than Odubel Herrera. God he already thinks I'm a mess. He smiled coolly. 

"Hola senorita." Odubel was a surprisingly polite person despite the fact that he was a bit saucy on the outside. He knelt down and looked up at my with soft brown eyes, I swooned at the sight of him, my legs went numb. I blushed lightly, giggling. 

"He, he, hola, senor." I responded sheepishly. I could feel a tantalizing glare pouring over me, it was Abigail. 

"Oh come on Odubel you arent seriously talking to the enemy are you?" I was taken back by the anger and envy in her voice. Odubel looked back up at her and chuckled. 

"Why so much anger, my princess?" It was almost starting to seem like there was something going on between them. 

"What? I'm the "Ragin' Cajun" for a reason!" Suddenly they were both interupted by one of the other phillies players running at them, shouting at Abigail. 

"Hey, Abby! Abby!" Abby, her nickname was Abby. 

"What is it Cody? By the way, can you tell this girl to back the fuck away from my futurue husband!" She curses and she loves Odubel. Cody, the player who just arrived, raised an eyebrow. 

"Ab, we aren't seriously doing this thing again. Remember the recent incident with Austin." 

"I'm kidding. Chill dude!" 

"Speak of the devil, here he is." Cody motioned towards a tall brown haired guy walking swifty down the steps to reach Abby. much to mmy surprise Abby grabbed him as he grabbed her and he swept her into an exquistely romantic kiss. I sighed, I guess she isn't with Odubel. 

"Ah, young love. So disgusting." The thrid guy said mentioned, Abby and this brown hairde guy I assumed was her boyfriend still hadnt seperated for breath. 

"Will my brother and teammate please seperate?!" Another similar looking brown haired guy drew everyones attention away from Abby and was Austin his name. Abby began sprinting towrads this other guy. The guy had a Phillies uniform on. 

"Aaron!" Abby ran into his arms and I swore she was gonna kiss him too. They had looked like they nearly would. 

"I missed you." Abigail said longingly into Aaron's ear.

"I know, I did too." Aaron sounded relieved and happy. He had the same accent as Austin, Southern. I pretended not to hear the almost romantic conversation thry were having as did Odubel. 

"Ab, back off hes not your brother hes mine!" Austin yelled at Abby and Aaron. I soon learned that Austin and Aaron were brotehrs. As the two brothers embraced, I noticed Abby brush a tear off of her cheek. 

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