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Calvin and I got bored of sitting in the park so we started to walk down a trail. As we were walking Calvin had to answer a phone call from someone so he walked a few steps away and answered. Weird, Calvin usually never cared about answering phone calls around me. I shrugged it off though and started walking again. I heard Calvin chase after me and grabbed my arm. "Baby I uh- have to go somewhere- I will meet you at home okay?" He kissed my forehead and then quickly dashed away. I stood there for a moment in confusion. Well that was different... but okay? I huffed and turned around walking home. As I was walking I passed a group of people wearing all black. I gulped and looked down as I walked by. As I walked I heard them whisper , "is that one of our client's girlfriend?" I blinked and turned to them.

"Excuse m-" my words trailed off as I looked to see the group of people were gone. I started to get creeped out and so I started to run back to my house. I finally got there and I was gasping for air. FUCK I'm out of shape. I got into the lobby and ran to the elevator, as the door of the elevator opened I got in and pushed my floor level button. I leaned against the wall of the elevator and began to breathe normally. "What the fuck..." I whispered to myself as I tried to understand what was going on.i got to my floor and walked to my apartment, I grabbed the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. I rushed in, slammed the door and locked it. I backed away from the door and flopped onto the couch. Those men just disappeared! Or maybe I was day dreaming? "Ugh! What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled aloud. I earned a few stomps from the people above, I growled and flipped off the ceiling. I started to drift off to sleep and soon passed out.

Wowzers that was something eh?
Good job Haylee let your inner Canadian show 😂 jk but I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter and yeah
Peace out dudes
Hissss~ 💛

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