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|| just a photo of drunk Dan and Phil for you all. ||
~ Y/N's perspective ~

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming. I shot up and saw Calvin holding his eye, mumbling curse words under his breath.

"Calvin!! The fuck!" I got up and ran over to him. He pushed me aside and ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind him and locking it. I growled and pulled out my phone, knowing he had his. I started to text him.

Me: so, you leave me halfway through the day, not even telling me where you are going, and come home holding your eye and then shoving me away when I want to help you. What a good boyfriend you are.


Me: now you're ignoring me?


Me: fine don't bother texting me at all then. I'm leaving.

                              Calvin is typing...

I shut off my phone and shoved it into my pocket. I stormed out the apartment and slammed the door behind me. I marched over to Dan and phil's apartment and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed until I was greeted by Dan's face.

"Y/n hi!"

"I need a drink."

"Phil! I'm going to the bar with Y/n!"

"Okay!" I heard Phil call back. Dan stepped out and I held onto his arm as we walked down the corridor.

"So, which bar are we heading to?" He asked, knowing to not ask why I need a drink.

"Which ever one is the best." I stated, smiling at him. He smiled back and nodded.

*time skip to the best bar, because I'm lazy.*

Dan and I have downed a few shots and we're now playing pool. He had a glass of whiskey with him and I had Coke with some rum. I took a sip of my drink as he shot the ball towards a red one, it went straight into the hole. I clapped and he bowed sloppily. I snorted holding back a laugh, grabbing my stick. (Do they have a name? 😂) I shot and sank the 8 ball before I was supposed to. "Ah...... Fuck." I hiccuped.

"Orgasm?" I looked to Dan, his face showed he was wasted because of the drunken smirk on it. I hiccuped again and nodded, raising my drink.

"Yep. A toast, to orgasms." Dan chuckled to my reply and raised his glass.

"A -hic- men sister!" We both chugged our drinks. We put our glasses upside down and I grabbed his hand. I started to walk to the exit. Once I stepped out I saw Calvin, and he looked pissed. I stared at him and Dan waved drunkenly.

Chapter 2 done!
Sorry for the long wait I've been busy with some stuff with doctors.
Hope you liked this chapter.
Much love,
Hisssssss ~

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