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- Your perspective -

I felt the couch lift as I slowly woke up. I heard a male voice and and then I slowly opened my eyes.

"Yes she is asleep!! ... shut up! ... DO NOT YELL AT ME. ... I'm on my way. This better be good." Calvin had his back to me and he hung up his phone he started to turn my way so I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry baby. I'll be back." He said and with that I heard him walk to the door and leave. I opened my eyes and quickly got up. I'm following him. I have no choice. I started running to my closet and throw on a dark hoodie. I was already wearing black jeans so I was completely dark. I exited the room and saw Calvin at the very end of the hall and opened a window. I quietly started walking to him. He hopped out the window and climbed down a ladder. I ran to the window and looked down to see him walking down the alley to the street. I climbed down the ladder and followed him. We walked for a while until he took a right down a dark alleyway and walked through a doorway and slammed the door shut. I leaned my ear against the door and heard them talking.

"Do you have it?" I heard Calvin ask.

"Yes. It's right here boss." A deep voice replied

"What are the side affects?"

"Nausea, but it's a good drug."

"Not bad..."

"Boss was someone tailing you?"

"No why?"

"I think someone is outside." The other male said. I started to run away and I heard the door swing open. "GET BACK HERE!!" I ran faster than I thought I could. I jumped over a fence and ran back to my apartment. I eventually got into the building and ran up the stairs, losing the guy. I ran to our apartment and closed the door locking it. I took off the sweater and threw it onto our coat rack by the door. I jumped into the couch and acted like I was asleep. What was Calvin doing? Who is he with? WHAT IS HE DOING WITH DRUGS? I heard footsteps get louder. Someone was running to the door.


Sorry for the wait. My parents are getting a divorce and I'm slowly getting through it.
Much love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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