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/ your perspective

"What the fuck are you doing Y/n?!" Calvin shouted, causing people to look at the three of us.

I hiccuped and attempted to spit on the ground but it slowly rolled down my chin and dropped onto the ground. Calvin made a disgusted face and stormed up to me, Dan stepped in the way but Calvin was not having it. He shoved Dan out of the way and grabbed my arm, pulling me to his car.

"H-Hey! If you're taking me you're taking Dan too you P-*Hic* Porcupine!" Calvin just growled and opened my door for me and pushed me softly into the car.

"Get in Howell." Calvin snarled as he opened the back seat door, ushering Dan in. When Calvin got it I crossed my arms and looked out of the window. "Buckle up Y/n," I didn't move and I just blanked him out of my mind. He reached across me, grabbed my seat belt and buckled me in. I swatted his hand away and pouted, still facing the window. "You so owe me tomorrow." He muttered at the same time as I muttered,

"Asshole." I barked back, not giving fucks on how angry I was making him.

* time skip to the next day*

I wake up on the couch. I covered my eyes as the sun nearly blinded me to death as I opened them. "The fuck..." I blinked a few times and then groaned grabbing my head. Headache... I had a massive headache... What time is it..?
I felt my body for my phone and found it in my back pocket. I clicked it on and it's said 3:00 pm. "Fuck me sideways." I muttered.

"After we talk." I heard a male voice boom, I groaned.

"Don't yell." I hissed, as he lifted me for a second and then sat down, pulling me softly down so my head would rest on his lap. He stroked my hair and softly asked,

"What were you thinking?"

"I was angry."


"Because you've become so secretive all of the sudden and you were being rude."

"I'm sorry.. okay..? Can we just forget this and never run from each other again?" He said, his voice deepening when he said never. It sent chills down my spine.

"Yeah.. sure.." I replied, closing my eyes.

"I'm going to take a nap." He said, as he leaned back against the couch and resting his head on the top of the back cushions. I smiled softly as we drifted off into a nap.

Sorry for the long wait guys :( I've been really busy. My parents have been fighting a lot and they're dragging me into it. 🙄
Thank you guys for reading this chapter. Much love to you guys. 💓

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