5:Road Of Sad Destiny Cat.

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Cold so cold you can tell Gumball walk to cold night in from a road.He just walk and walk and walk until end for hometown (IDK WHRE IS ELMORE LOCATION SO SORRY.) he just but lucky he found gas shop.He enter shop to (By a forgot The man give 300 doller to Gumball aften leave a jail.)  to buy hair colour dark purple and pink.

Gumball leave shop,Again lucky he saw the bus in bus stop.He enter the bus and pay.He sit down and sleep until the bus stop to The city call "Soria". In his mind what he going to do now. It he going to be back home or...... Stay in Soria city for New life.

In his dream

He can feel like in new world for new life

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He can feel like in new world for new life.


?: Gumball,honey come here please.


?:Honey good news, I'm pregnant !

Gumball fanited.

In next story will be soon.

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