Chapter 13

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Luke's P.O.V

After I let Calum and Michael out of the house, Mum says something which causes me to practically choke on air.

"So, Ashton, huh?"

"I-uh, what?" I ask, hoping she wasn't asking what I thought she was.

She rolls her eyes and sets her glass of water onto the counter. "Luke, I see the way you look at the boy; you obviously feel something towards him."

I feel my cheeks redden as I sit down on the stool next to her and think. I honestly hadn't thought about how I felt about him. I mean, he's extremely handsome and he did save my life at the mall, but I never really thought about him more than a friend.

A week ago he was a wolf and now he's adjusted to the human world so well; I was honestly proud of how far he's come. If Ashton had grown up as a human and we had met as young kids, I would definitely have a huge crush on him, but I suppose I don't know him enough yet to tell if he's genuinely a good guy. I know that he's got an extreme temper that honestly scares me sometimes, but I also know that he can be extremely kind and gentle.

I've also seen how he reacts around Michael and Calum; how much he can love his friends and how carefree he can be. I did feel myself wanting to have that kind of connection with Ashton; to be able to love and make him happy.

"Luke?" My mum says, which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh, sorry; I was just thinking. But to answer your question, I honestly hadn't really thought about him in that way, but now that you mention it, I can see myself wanting to spend more time with him and maybe something could work. I mean, I don't know if he likes me back or anything, but if he did I would be happy about it," I tell her seriously.

She smiles and pats my back. "You should take him out then; I'm sure he'd love to go somewhere with you."

I let out a laugh and stand up. "Yeah, I'll ask him if he wants to hang out when I get upstairs. Thanks, Mum," I say before giving her a kiss on the cheek and rushing upstairs.

I open to door to find Ashton holding my drawing with a sad smile.

"You miss being a wolf, don't you?" I ask softly.

"No, I just mostly just miss Michael and Calum. I mean, on one hand, I hate that they left the pack for me, but on the other, I'm glad that they left before they got themselves killed. I'm sure that ever since I left, the Alpha has been extremely harsh on everyone; even the pups. I hate myself for leaving everyone behind defenseless," he says as he looks up at me and then back down at the drawing.

"Ash, it's not your fault," I say as I sit down on the bed next to him. "Like I said earlier, you did what you had to do to survive. I'm sure the pack understands why you did what you did. I mean they did take everything away from you; I'm sure the pack just wants you to be happy."

Ashton sighs and leans his head on my shoulder. I froze momentarily, but I then lean my head on top of his. "Thank you, Luke," he says quietly.

"For what?"

"For everything; I mean, you took in a complete stranger and helped me be human. Plus you've been nothing but kind to me, even when I've snapped at you so many times. I will never be able to repay you for any of that," he explains.

"Well, you're welcome. I mean yeah, you've snapped at me, but I know that deep down inside you just need someone that you can rely on. Why don't we go to the park or something; just get out of the house," I offer as I pick my head up and look at Ashton.

He lifts his head from my shoulder and nods with a small smile. "I would like that very much."

"Great!" I say with a smile. I look down and notice he's still in sweatpants and a muscle shirt. "Let's get you some clothes to wear," I say before getting up.

I make my way over towards my closet and look for things that will hopefully fit. I see a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans that should work.

"Hopefully this should all fit you," I say as I take the clothes off the hangers. "I've got some shoes you can borrow too, so just head into the bathroom and change."

Ashton gets up and grabs the pile of clothes then heads into the bathroom, before closing the door behind him. I grab some socks and a pair of boots that he can wear and wait for him to come out.

I'm glad he agreed to get out of the house because I know that if he didn't, Mum would've been annoyed that I didn't take him out like I said I was going to. But I also wasn't doing this just because Mum asked me to, I'm taking him out because I genuinely want to.

Ashton walks out of the bathroom and awkwardly tugs on the end of the white shirt.

"Do I look okay?" He asks as he looks up at me. I'm glad I was sitting down because if I had been standing, I probably would've lost my balance.

The skinny jeans were a little loose, but the white shirt fits him perfectly. It showed off his muscular frame and really showed how tan he was.

"Yeah, you look perfect," I say fondly.

Ashton's cheeks heat up and he looks down at his feet before looking back at me.

"Thank you," he says.

"You're welcome!" I say as I get up and hand him the socks and shoes. "Let me know if you need help putting the boots on."

Ashton nods and sits where I just was and begins putting the socks and shoes on.

This was going to be perfect. 


What do you think?!

Hopefully, a new chapter should be up either today or tomorrow! I'll have a picture of what Ashton looks like in the next chapter ;)

I dedicate this chapter to 3mma3mma because she suggested I let you in on how Luke feels towards Ashton ^.*

SHOUT OUT TO MY AUSTRALIAN READERS BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE BASICALLY LIFE! (Your accents are bae and I really want to move there eventually XP) 

QOTC: Where do y'all live? 

My answer: I actually live in Wisconsin (USA) but not in the north like where this book is located XD


Write you later,

~Ashtyn xoxo 

TYPO FREE: 7/09/2017

✔️Beauty and the Beast -L.H. + A.I. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now