Perfume- Chapter 5

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"Bien Joue!" Ladybug and Chat Noir exclaimed as they watched the city damaged from the akuma battle return to its normal state. 

"Well done, M'lady!" Chat said flirtatiously. "That was a tough battle. Seems like the akumas are getting stronger."

"Yeah, you're right. Poor Mirelle, getting fired from her job as the weather girl. I hope everything turns out okay for her," Ladybug said with sympathy for the girl. 

"Heh. Yeah. Ironic, isn't it? First we have to deal with Aurore, who was salty about losing the competition, only for the winner to be fired and akumatized only a short time later!" Chat laughed. He was glad to see that he had made his partner laugh as well.

"Silly kitty. It wasn't exactly recently though, you know. We've been partners for nearly a year now. You didn't forget our anniversary, did you, Chaton?" Ladybug teased.

"Wha.. of course not! I'd never forget the day we first met, M'lady. It's just that, time has flown by so fast," Chat said warmly.

"Yeah, it sure has. Hey, you're going into grade 11 too, right?" Ladybug replied, slightly embarrassed at what she was asking. She had always wondered if Chat was the same age as her, but had never had the chance to ask him herself.

"Why do you want to know?" Chat winked.

"Well, I was just wondering if we were the same age. Maybe we even go to the same school. Pretty unlikely, though." Ladybug answered, trying to keep a cool voice in front of her partner.

"Yeah, I am. I can't believe we only have a week of grade 10 left. It's really been a blast." Chat added. It had been his first year at a public school, after all. He held out his hand, gesturing Ladybug to take it and follow him. Ladybug rolled her eyes, but took his hand anyway.

Minutes later, they had arrived at the Eiffel Tower. There was nothing better than looking over the beautiful city of Paris from up high at the top of the tower. 

"Hey Ladybug?" Chat said, breaking the peaceful silence.


"I.. I love you, M'lady." Chat confessed. Anyone could have guessed that he did, but he had never really said it to her face.

"I love you too, Chaton." Ladybug smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.


And there you have it! I was debating whether I should write an author's note at the end or not because I wouldn't want to ruin the feels XD Sorry this chapter was so short! Sometimes the fewest words speak the most, right? :) Thank you so much for reading and see you on Thursday for Chapter 6! 


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