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So far, I've had 4 meeting with the school deans and the resource officers.
I was sexually harassed and now an having a Dysphoria attack that's been lasting since Friday.
"Your breasts are giving me an erection" are the words he muttered before he shoved his hand down my shirt.
In the middle of a hallway, in front of a camera, in front of my friend.
This is going to hell.
I'm hoping to start the Bridger program, which might take me out of all of my classes. Which might suck, but also might not.
I really really really want to listen to music, but my headphones Fucking broke.
I started rereading this book series called The Lunar Chronicles I'm really obsessed with this series. Im on page 342 already!!
Anyway. I have a Buddha.
He's my anti stress thingy.

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