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"What do you mean by he is not responding?" Elrond stared at the healer and than at his charge.
"He does everything automatically, as if he is not thinking and or is not mentally there." Calan did not want to be here. Not at all. Legolas was just staring at the ceilingi blankly. The healer pulled the blanket back, only causing the elfling to shiver. Elrond sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Bathe him. See if that will invoke  a response. Any type of response will be a good response." Elrond said as he turned to go. Calan saluted and started to give the little one a bed bath. Legolas only continued to shiver in the cold air. He did not make a sound of discomfort, embarrassment, or pain. Elrond turned back around before he completely left the room. "Do not give him the blanket unless he asks for it, Calan." With that, Elrond left. Calan did as his lord instructed. After Calan finished, he pulled out the book and read to the prince again. After three chapters, he stopped. The prince was watching him out of the corner of his eye. Calan continued to read until he felt the gaze slip away. Calan looked at the elfling to find his asleep, still shivering. The guard entered the room and nodded to Calan. Calan left and Mori came in. Mori brought some patchwork to occupy herself with. At five minutes to sunrise, the two switched. Calan noticed the way the elfling woke with fear before the eyes became blank. At the noonday meal, Elrond entered.
"Has he not asked for the blanket or food?" Elrond was starting to become concerned. The last time the elfling had eaten was two days ago while he was drugged. Calan shook his head in the negative. Elrond walked to the head of the bed and stared at the elfling. The elfling didn't even seem to notice him. He gently grabbed the elfling's chin and directed the face to look at him. The elfling's eyes were completely blank, void of all emotions and thoughts. Elrond brought his face close to the prince's.
"You must speak to us, penneth. You must let us know when you need things like the restroom, water, food, and warmth. If you do not even show us that you need it then we cannot help you." Elrond said as kindly as he could. He saw something shift in the elfling's eyes. It was a move that only the best of warriors could accomplish and the best of healers could detect. This elfling was expecting him and the others to harm him. He drew into himself to protect what was left of his heart. Elrond knew that he had broken through to the little piece of the prince that was visible.
"Are you cold?" The elfling nodded warily. "Say it out loud." Elrond prompted the elfling.
"Pplease? Ccold?" The elfling whispered, weakly. Elrond nodded and smiled gently and he placed the blanket over the elfling. Calan smiled when he heard the prince's voice. Elrond left after the blanket was placed over the price.
"Are you hungry?" Calan asked softly. The elfling nodded weakly. "Could you please speak the answer?"
"Yyes." The prince blushed as his stomach growled. Calan gently propped the elfling up on pillows after asking the guard to get a small plate of food. The guard returned with the food. Calan placed it on the side table and cut the food into small bites. Legolas allowed himself to be fed, thankful that he was getting food. He started to tear up at the thought. Calan started to freak out.
"Are you okay? Is the meat to hot? Are you choking?!" Calan was working himself into a panic. Legolas only stared at him as he tried to figure out what was wrong. Glorfindel laughed, drawing attention to himself.
"I believe those are happy tears because the prince is happy to be able to eat. Am I correct, Legolas?" Glorfindel asked softly as he rested his arms against the footboard of the bed. Legolas nodded a little more then before. Glorfindel smiled, causing the prince to look at him in confusion with a little bit of fear. Not much though because he could sense that this elf would never hurt him.
"I came to check up on you, little prince. You gave us quite a fright when you hid from us. I understand why you did hide but I promise you that no one in this Valley wants to harm you. If they do, than you come to me. Okay?" Glorfindel was serious but his eyes still twinkled like the things that shined at night.
"Yyes ssir" Legolas whispered without prompting. Glorfindel smiled brightly at the elfling before a voice yelling his name was heard. He sighed and left. Legolas stared at Calan in a calculated way before opening his mouth for food. Calan fed the prince until the prince would not open his mouth.
"Can you try just a few more bites?" Calan tried to coax the prince. It had taken two hours to feed the prince the small amount he had. The prince was not having any of it though. Calan sighed and put the fork down before pulling the book out and started to read to the elfling again. He read until the sun started to set. Legolas was asleep. Calan put the book on the bedside table and left just as Mori entered. She spent the whole night sewing. Mori had finished sewing a small tunic when Calan entered. She smiled at her fellow healer as she stood and collected her supplies.
"Silent night again, Mellon. I wish you luck for today." She was gone just as the sun rose. Like clockwork, Legolas woke with the sun. Calan sat down in the chair, seeing the calculating looks the elfling threw at things around the room before his eyes landed on Calan. Calan smiled softly at the prince. The prince just looked confused.
"Good morning, Legolas. Are you comfortable? Would you like to sit up?" Calan was watching as the prince looked uncertain because of the offer. Calan sighed and repositioned the elfling and rechecked the restraints. He was glad that he did not have to check the wounds. Lord Elrond would check them after the morning meal. Legolas just stared at him.
"Are you hungry?" Legolas shook his head. Calan sighed. This was the second meal he had refused. At this rate, Lord Elrond was going to have to feed the elfling himself. That mental image made him smile because he knew how stubborn the prince was. Elrond entered, noticed the stare off with the food, and sighed.
"You will eat all the meals that you are served and you will eat all of the food on the plate."Elrond felt kind of bad about ordering the prince to do it. Legolas shook his head, not looking up. Didn't Lord Elrond realize that he was not worth the food? That he could not eat until the king allowed him to? Legolas knew that Elrond was not going to keep him. It was only a matter of time before Elrond sent him back.
Elrond was losing his patience. He growled in frustration. Legolas shrank back as far as the restraints allowed him to.
"You will eat, Legolas. If you do not eat then you will face the consequences." Elrond was being stern but Legolas only tried to curl into himself. Elrond sighed, reaching his hand out to soothe the elfling. The moment he touched the young one, the elfling jerked away and started to plead silently for mercy. Elrond could see the words forming but the elfling did not voice them. He sat down on the bed and placed to fingers under the prince's head. Gently, he lifted the head.
"Legolas, look at me." Elrond ordered when he had closed his eyes tightly. Legolas opened his eyes, the blank look back. Elrond searched the eyes and found nothing. This elfling was back in wounded animal mode. Elrond started to play with the elfling's hair, watching as the elfling tried to free himself. Elrond sighed and smiled sadly at the elfling.
"I will release you once you realize that no one will harm you. You are safe, Legolas." Legolas's eyes didn't even hold anything but he could make out doubt in the depths. "I promise that you will be safe while you remain here." Elrond saw the hope that had slightly appeared, completely shatter. Elrond did not know what to do. He left and Calan came over to the bed with food. The prince did not open his mouth.
"You must eat to get better." Calan tried. The prince gave him a look that clearly said 'why in Erü would I want to get better?' Calan huffed and placed the food to the side. He started to read.
"You never know who will become family. Blood only runs so thick. It is the bonds of trust and love that form family." Calan read. He glanced to the elfling, who was still trying to break free from the restraints. The elfling didn't seem to realize that he was not being hurt. He was mouthing pleas, struggling with all his strength, and terrified beyond reason. Obviously, they were doing something wrong but Calan did not know what to do. The sun was setting. His shift was over. Mori entered the room, smiling at Calan. He smiled back and left. Mori sat in the chair and gave the prince a sad glance. She tried everything to calm the elfling that she knew how to do. Absolutely nothing worked. In fact, it seemed to cause the elfling more distress. Glorfindel gently knocked on the door and entered.

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