Chapter 9

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A/N: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry guys I suck a lot for not updating.. I really want to finish this, and hopefully I can! But I rarely have time to write, and when I do, I want to relax... Ohhh, high school. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!

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I got off the plane last, but there were still screaming girls everywhere. I sighed, realizing I would have to get used to this. I also realized Emma would probably be at the concert tonight, hopefully I wouldn't come across her. I still wasn't quite sure whether or not to give in to her pleas- she had somehow found my new number and was sucking up to me, as well as on twitter. I really wanted to give in, she WAS my old best friend after all, but for all I knew? She could be using me to get to the boys, and that was pretty low. I might give her a little leeway, albeit not much.

"Hey Faye!" Louis called out, "You coming, or are you just gonna stand there all day?" I realized I had been standing in the same spot for quite some time now and laughed quietly at myself.

"Don't worry, I'm coming! You boys probably couldn't survive without me any how!"

"Don't be too full of yourself- Nikki would keep us alive!"

"No, I wouldn't. I would join in whatever you were doing," Nikki added and I just laughed at Louis' dumbstruck face. I hopped in the second van, containing Niall and Zayn, leaving Louis and Nikki to deal with Harry, who was still in a mood over what happened on the plane.

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The boys were on stage performing their song Alive while I was out using the bathroom. Of course, I had to use one outside the dressing room as the boys had overflowed the toilet in that one. And who was I to run into, but Emma? I stiffened immediately as I saw her, not ready to deal with this.

"Faye! Hi, how are you?"

"Pretty well, and you?" There was obvious tension in the air, and I was wishing Nikki had come with me but she was out in the crowd.

"Great! The boys are doing amazing, aren't they? I love Niall's new hair, he's so gorgeous! Could you maybe ask him to follow me on Twitter? I mean, you don't have to if course, I don't mind if you don't, but, oh my-"

"Emma. You're rambling. I might ask Niall. Not sure though. In case you haven't noticed, I'm still mad at you?"

"Oh yeah, about that.. Listen, Faye, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so angry, I mean HARRY STYLES. You love him, yet you turned him down? I don't get it! Yeah, you made that stupid promise to yourself, but who in their right mind would turn HARRY STYLES down?"

"Emma," I sighed, "I turned him down because I was still hurting. You obviously don't know how much having Cameron cheat on me hurt. Harry doesn't even know why I turned him down, you're the only one that does, so if you keep quiet that would be great."

"Faye, do you think you could give me a second chance? Like, I know I hurt you even more than Cameron did, but I haven't had another best friend since you left me."

"Since I left you? You're kidding right? You threw me out! You didn't want anything to do with me! Emma, I just don't know if I can give you a second chance, and how do I know you're not just using me to get to the boys?"

"How can I prove it to you?" Emma asked me, her face worried.

"I don't know, Emma, I just don't know." I sighed, exasperated and frustrated. I just needed to use the bathroom, for goodness sake! "Tell you what, I'll give you a tiny chance. That means no access to the boys, not one bit. You get to talk to me, and maybe Nikki, but that's it. Now can I please just use the restroom and get back?"

"Yeah, um, of course," Emma trailed off, looking rather dejected.

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The boys walked in after their concert, whooping and hollering and going on and on about how amazing the crowd was. I eyed them, wondering how they could have so much energy. Niall and Louis immediately went to shower, leaving Liam, Zayn, and Harry behind. Harry sat and played on his phone, probably on Twitter. Liam and Zayn talked off to the side about the concert, laughing at something Louis said. I started gathering up everyone's stuff, as we were leaving tonight- no hotels for us! At least not tonight, we had to drive straight to Oklahoma City. It's really not that long of a drive, but I guess they didn't know that.

My phone buzzed, a message from twitter.

@Harry_Styles: Great crowd tonight. Love Kansas City. Thanks to everyone who came .x

I looked up to find Harry starting at me with a confused look on his face. I mirrored the face he was making back to him until he finally laughed. At this point, Louis had walked in.

"PLEASE tell me you guys are making up, I don't want to spend the whole tour with a sour Harry!"

"Well, that depends on Harry!" I replied to Louis.

"You guys are impossible," Louis muttered, walking away.

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GUESS WHO'S BACK BACK AGAIN HANNAH'S BACK TELL A FRIEND. no but seriously I'm so sorry for not updating kill me if you want!! I already have a plan for the next chapter so yeah hopefully I can update again soon LOVE YOU ALL


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