Sirius Black ☾

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"You little bugger!" Y/n screamed. Sirius erupted in laughter at the sound of his girlfriends squeals. Without Y/n awake, Sirius was getting quite lonely, so he poured cold water all over her to wake her up. To say the least, she wasn't pleased.
"I'm sorry love, really I am, you have to admit though it is funny." That cause a snack to the head. Sirius continued to chuckle but nevertheless, wrapped his arms around the soaking girl.
"Alright babe, go take a warm shower. When you get back you can wear my quiditch jersey and we can cuddle. I'll dry the sheets." That's the thing about Sirius, he very seldom pranked his girlfriend for he didn't like to see her upset, so when he did he always made sure too make her feel better afterwards. Y/n smiled at the Black boy and kissed his cheek, before skipping off to start a warm shower. 'How did I get so lucky?' She thought.

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