Fred Weasley ♔

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This one shot will be of Fred and an anonymous character, already a couple (also an au). Enjoy!

written by: @-blxcks

I lay in my bed in thin pyjama shorts and a tank top. I stared up at the pasty white ceiling, my heart aching. I really needed to get my feelings under control, even when Fred left the room, I felt a pang in my heart every time.

My legs were coated in a thin layer of sweat, the pastel blue bedsheets tangled with my legs. I glanced out the window, I could see the stars peeking through the clouds, the moon shining.

The crack in the door cast a low light into the room, illuminating the dark wood floor.

I tossed and turned. I couldn't stop thinking. What if Fred won't return? Oh god, what if someone mugged him?

That's absurd. No one would do that. I think.

I sat up, harshly inhaling. I started to cough, tears welling up in my eyes.

I laid back down, closing my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time.

The crack in the door widened. I opened my eyes.

Fred walked into the room, an orange shirt decking his chest that hugged all the right places. I sighed in relief.

He sat down on the opposite side of the bed and took out his phone. His millions of freckles were immediatly washed in a blueish light, his brown eyes scanning his phone. I laid back down, my internal temperature going down.

Fred shut off his phone with a click and shot me a smile and a wink. My heart fluttered.

Fred got up, the floor creaking under his feet. The door widened again, and he stepped into the light.

Darkness encased the room, my face sinking into the pillow. I smiled. He was back.

Once he came back into the room, he was in only pyjama pants. My breath hitched and his head jerked my way, smirking. I felt the blood rush to my face and I sqeaked in embarrassment. Sweat shone along his collarbones, and the ridges of his stomach muscles. The pyjama pants were folded over at the waist, showing off the V of his hip bones. I remembered what it was like to have his arms pressed around me, to be pressed close enough against him that I could feel every detail of his bones and muscle against my body-

I felt blood rush to my cheeks again, and I shoved my face back into my pillow once again.

His chuckle ran across the room, the musical sound reverberating in my ears. My cheeks turned even redder.

I felt the mattress dip and I lifted my head. I saw him crawling under he covers, his red hair tousled and messy.

I crawled over to him, hugging his torso.

"Hey. How was your day?" He asked, his chest moving up and down steadily.

I mumbled a response about it being a shitty day and I could feel his chuckle roll through me like a bowling ball.

I hugged his torso tighter and I buried my face into his stomach.

"I love you, Fred." I whispered into his stomach.

"I love you too,"

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