🐙Remus Lupin X Reader (Soulmate AU)🐙

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Soulmate AU: the first words that your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your arm.



'Excuse him, he is a complete idiot'

those words were the bases of many cruel jokes and names, (Y/N) never had the sweet comments like the other girls like 'You're a beautiful girl' or 'you have pretty eyes'

(Y/N) was special

she had to be

or else she wouldn't have been stuck at a school for witches and wizards for 5 years.

(Y/N) as she walked to her destination she simply sighed once more thinking about the words inked onto her relatively pale skin,

as she passed by the whispers about the so called Marauders latest prank . She simply scoffed and continued to pass through the corridors greeting an occasional painting along the way.

Once she made to her stop she started to look throughout the numerous looming shelves of books. Her eyes went wide with excitement not looking where she was going.

for a brief period of time she was briskly strolling as to get a look at the books she had yet to read, until she found herself falling on the floor due to a collision with a relatively muscular chest.

"Watch is 5th year" a 7th year slytherin spat. "Oi, why are you speaking to her like that" a voice suddenly erupted from behind the two, the petite Ravenclaw spun around to see a group of four attractive boys and a Fiery-Red haired girl face palming in the back.

The group of boys were made up of a boy my age with shaggy brown hair and round-ish glasses, A boy with medium length hair with eyes like a storm, a short kinda chubby boy who seemed nice at first glance, and lastly a tall attractive boy with scars on his face and a prefects badge on his robes.

"James Potter." the Brown haired boy took her hand and shook it vigorously

"Sirius Black, at your service " the black haired boy said as he kissed her other hand and winked. remotely disgusted she pulled her hand away.

"Hello, my name is Peter" the short boy said with a sheepish smile and a timid wave.

but before the tall one could introduce himself the glasses boy, erm, James... pushed him forward and said "This is Remus" he gave them a cheeky smile and and yelled

"See ya around mate, have fun" soon after the rest followed except the tall boy.

He turned to her, slightly read in the face and said to her....

"Excuse him, he is a complete idiot"

She looked him straight in the eye, grinning like a complete idiot and said in a soft but confident voice.

"No problem, it allowed me to finally meet my soulmate"

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