chapter 1

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Sky is just a regular teenage girl. She gets decent grades. Has a few friends. She can sing and music is basically her life. her father is abusive towards her. He even raped her when she was little. She is 17 and almost out of high school. The whole school knows that she is gay so everyone calls her mute or gay fag.

Jamie is one of the schools most popular girl. all the guys want to either date her or fuck her. She is also a straight a student. A student with a perfect life. But what nobody knows is that she doesn't date guys.

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Skys' POV


ugh...I hate my alarm clock, its a constant reminder of how I have to go to hell everyday. I slam my alarm clock off and drag my ass out of bed. I throw on a BVB T-shirt, some ripped red skinnies and some chuck Taylors. I straighten my hair and throw on my bag and put in my headphones and leave for school. I don't bother to eat I don't want to wake up my drunk father and him take his anger out on me like always.

Once I get to school I head straight for my locker trying to ignore everyone's constant stares and shoves at me. But when I do see my locker I see he girl who is absolutely determined to ruin my life even more than it already is...Nikki..

"Hey Fag!" she says

"well hi that's over I need my books" I say

"Oh you poor thing. You know I can't do that until I get what I want!" she says with a smirk

"and whats that..?"

"well..for you to come to my party on Friday."

Is this girl serious! she hates me and now she is inviting me to her party!? This must be a set up to like kill me or something.

"uhm...thanks but I cant go.."

"oh..okay. well if you change your mind you know where to find me!" she says and knocks my stuff on the floor and shoves me into my locker hard.

At least I can go to my locker now. I shut my locker noticing nobody else is in the hallway and then the bell goes off. shit. im late again. My class is on the other side of the school. shit shit shit. Thanks Nikki. I start to run to class as fast as I can and I don't even see the girl in front of me and I run staright into her knocking the both of us over. nice sky. really nice. now your late and you ran some one over you fat ass.

"shit I am so sorry!!" I say while help picking her books up.

"don't worry its fine." she says. which is surprising because normally people who have started to yell at me a kick me for that.

"Im such a cluts im sorry.."

I had to look away to keep her from seeing how badly I was blushing. shit. I am so late. Now I might get DT.

"really its fine...Sky isn't it? she says but she isn't look at me but I do notice her blushing a little.

"huh?..erm..y-yeah.." well shit now I really am blushing like an idiot.

"You have a very pretty name Sky. Can we walk to class together?" she says with such hope in her eyes. I cant say no to that.

"s-sure" we start to head to English and she goes on about this stuff I don't even really care about. Then she stops in the middle of the hallway. which is weird because were not even close to our class. we have like 4 classes together including English.

"Hey..can I uhm,,ask you something..?"


"well, I heard Nikki talking about how your a that true?" she looks really upset like she offended me when she said that.

"uhm..yeah..its true" I look away because I started to tear up a little bit. I guess she noticed because she pulled me into a tight hug. woah. S-She is so warm. So beautiful. She pulled away but was still inches from my face. So close. She is blushing and so am i but I don't know why she is. I mean. She has all the jocks wanting to date her and I have never seen her blush with them but with me...its different.

"im sorry...I didn't mean to make you cry..."

I hugged her tight. "your fine..we better go to class now"

We started to walk to class and we didn't speak the rest of that day. The day just pretty much went normal. I just cant it out of my head why she was blushing. I think I might like her a little. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I never do. god. she is so beautiful. I am in so much trouble with this girl.

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Alrighty that's the end of chao]pter 1, I am so sorry for all of those you were reading my other story. I deleted it. I couldn't think of anything to do with it but I promise not to delete this one. promise. OKAI MY BEAUTIFUL PEEPS. like. comment and ideas. heart and follow. I LOVE YOU ALL! Stay beautiful and stay strong. oh sorry for all the mistakes in spelling...sorry...

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