My Karate Kid ~ Chapter Twelve

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Status: Edited

// Ponyboy's Pov //

It's been a month since Darry and Soda left and today they were finally​ coming back home! I missed them so much and I can finally see them again. Daniel and I are gonna meet them back at my house in a little bit. They are supposed to be home in an hour so we'll be there before then. My bag is already packed to leave and go back home.

The sad thing about my brothers coming home is that I won't get to sleep next to Daniel anymore. I have to sleep in my own bed and wake up alone, Soda leaves for work early all of the time. Darry leaves early for work too as well as Steve. Two-Bit doesn't have a job but I'd rather be with Daniel. Dally doesn't have a job either but he's never around a lot, he's usually off with a girl or at Buck's drinking.

Another thing is what if Darry and Soda find out about me and Daniel? I don't want Daniel getting hurt because of me being with him. If they find out, hopefully they'll be kind of excepting and not kick me out. If they do, I could stay with Daniel until things die down and I'm not gonna get hurt. I don't anyone getting hurt because of me being myself. . .

• • • •

Daniel and I walk into my house with my bag over my shoulder. I walk down to my room and set my bag on the bed and unpack slowly. I have to do a bit of cleaning before Soda and Darry go home, they'll think I did nothing for a month while they were gone. After unpacking my stuff and putting it away, I walk into the kitchen and get the broom and started sweeping up. Daniel came up from behind me and took the broom from me and finished sweeping the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do that Dani," I say pouting. "I could've done it all by myself."

"I know you could've hun but I just felt like helping. I don't want you cleaning this entire house by yourself before they get home," he says putting the broom away.

I walk over to the cabinet that was under the sink and grabbed the furniture cleaner and a dirty rag. Walking into the living room, I spray the cleaner onto the coffee table and wipe it clean. Daniel has a can of air freshener and sprays up the house with it, it smelled really nice. I did up Andre dishes and took out the trash before coming into back into the house. It was spotless and I was proud of the work that Daniel and I had done.

We sit on the couch and he turns on the television. My brothers would be home any minute and I can't wait to see them. I was fidgeting around because I couldn't sit still at the moment. Daniel wrapped an arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him. I smiled lightly and continued to watch the television show that was on.

The door opened and in came my two brothers, hands full with bags and other things. I stood up quickly and took a few of their bags and dropped them off in their rooms. They took care of everything else that they could and walked out into the living room smiling. I grabbed Soda into a hug and squeezed him tightly, I missed him. I let go and did the same thing with Darry before letting go of him.

They both smiled at me lightly and Daniel turned off the television. He walked up beside me and just stood there and looked at my brother's with a charming smile. Soda pulls out something from behind his back and handed it to me. I took it and looked at it, it was a new book! The title read "Oliver Twist."

I looked up at my brothers and smiled brightly. Finally, a new book, I've been dying to read something new! They smile more at my reaction and I hug the book close to my chest. I'm gonna start reading it as soon as I possibly can. I'm so excited!

Daniel rests a hand on my shoulder and smiles before laughing.

"That book is really good," he says smirking.

"I swear to God if you spoil anything in this book I won't talk to you for a week," I yell, looking at him threateningly​.

"Okay, okay. I won't say anything," he says putting his hands up in surrender. "For now," he mumbled.

"I heard that," I scream.

Everyone starts laughing at me and I sigh, pouting with the book hugged tightly against my chest. It's not funny, they know I don't like spoilers on books. . . Soda knows from experience and he will never do it again. . .

"Soda, I wouldn't laugh if I were you. You don't want a repeat of last time do you," I say looking at him in the eyes.

"No, no not again! Don't​ you dare think about doing that again," he screams.

"What did you do to him," Daniel asks laughing.

"Well, he spoiled a book I was reading and I got pay back. While he was sleeping, I put hair dye in his shampoo bottle. He went to work with black hair! While he was in the shower, I put gunk in his shoes and he had to get new ones. The thing about his hair though, it stayed that color for three months," I said laughing.

"My beautiful hair was ruined because of you. I will never spoil a book again so I'd advise you Daniel not to make that same mistake I did," Soda says walking into the kitchen.

Darry follows him into the kitchen and they start working on lunch. Daniel and I sit back on the couch as he turns on the television. We sat there and watched random channels like the comedy channel until dinner was done.

// Authors Note //

Hello everyone! I wanted to say that spring break for me is coming up this Friday and it's Tuesday right now. I'm possibly going to my grandma's for the week which means zero updates! So, I won't update but I will be writing over break so at least a few updated when I get back. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all soon.

Till then,

~ Stay Gold

𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃. ( 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘣𝘰𝘺 )Where stories live. Discover now