Chapter three-He did what now?!

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Nanananananananananana…BATMAAN! I have way too much energy for the situation. We literally just got to the house I own in Hollywood and I’ve already made a mess. I’m such a slob. Hearing a knock on the door me and Tony (who is equally as hyper as I am) race to open it, him sliding me back across the room on my ass and ripping open the door. All of a sudden I’m buried under a mountain on black clothes, black hair and sweaty man smell. Ew.

“Kay. I know you know I’m here. Can you all get off me now?” They all scrambled to get off me, apart from the gazelle/giraffe hybrid that is my other cousin, Andrew Dennis Biersack. His eyes, the only things I inherited from his part of the family, sparkled as he smirked down at me.

“Having fun down there cousin?” he asked as he conveniently dug his bony ankles deeper into my hips.

“One, ow! Two, I’d be having more fun if you GOT OFF ME!” I yelled the last part as I ripped myself out from underneath him. “I’m going to Dahvie and Jayy’s so they can dye my hair. Be good; don’t break my decks or boards. I’ll be back with Taco Bell.” I grabbed my BVB messenger bag (from Hot Topic of course) and set off on the twenty minute walk to the ‘Von Vanity’ household. I just hope to God they’re not practising their awful BOTDF music. I love them, but their music is terrible.

Crilly’s P.O.V (Who put that there?! You suspect nothing)

I don’t think a girl has ever made me feel this conflicted. I mean she’s everything I want in a girl but, I feel like there’s something she’s hiding from me that I’m not going to like. Anyway, something before she left sparked my interest.

“Ashley, what did Evelyn mean when she said ‘decks and boards’?” I saw his smirk out of the corner of my eye.

“Nosey one aren’t you Crilly? To answer your question she’s a surfing, skate boarding and snowboarding champion. She’s been entered into the Winter Olympics for her snowboarding, youngest in her field too.” Just when you think she can’t get any cooler.

“Yes, I’m nosey. I’m trying to figure out who she is under the ‘badass, rock-n-roll’ exterior she puts on. She just seems, I don’t know, like she needs someone more than even she knows.” He nods knowingly.

“Yeah, we all feel like that too. Her exes messed up her head pretty bad, and she hasn’t been able to open up to us since. She used to tell us everything and now she’s like a whole different person. I mean, she’s always been hot headed, that’s for sure. But she’s never been so…distant. I think she just needs a guy to show her that he cares and treat her the way she deserves.” This was not the kind of thing I expected out of my first conversation with the Purdy Whore. I mean I thought we’d be arranging to go to a stripper club or something. I guess he’s not the boozing heartbreaker he seems. I look up at the clock to see that our ‘short’ conversation lasted nearly two hours. Blimey. By the time our conversation had ended all the bands had reconvened in the living room to see Evelyn’s new hair. Dare I say I’m kind of nervous about her coming back? I can’t even control my feelings anymore, this is embarrassing.


Holy shit, she looks hot. I mean, I thought that when I first met her but…Jesus. She must have changed her clothes and makeup whilst she was there because she certainly did not look like THAT when she left. She was wearing a crop top with our band’s logo on it (ding dong ;P), a pair of really sexy heeled combats and really tiny shorts. Her hair, now straight, reaches her knees and has been dip-dyed to look like the ends of her hair had caught fire. Her eyes were lined with smoky makeup and her lips were ruby red. Her pale face and heavy makeup made her ear piercing, nose ring and snakebites stand out even more. All in all, she looked like a supermodel. I realised I had been staring at her when Falkour nudged me and focused on the others in the room, who were smirking at me. I looked back at Evelyn to see her cheeks were the same crimson as mine and…well…I ran out the back. Shit, Evelyn, what are you doing to me?

I’d been sat out back for a while when I felt movement beside me. Because of the size of the person, and my mind being all over the place, I assumed it was Nico coming to tease me. I looked over at them to see it was in fact Nico, but he wasn’t here to tease me about Evelyn.

“Dude, she thinks she’s done something wrong. She’s barricaded herself in the bathroom and won’t come out.” My heart sank. In the time I’d been sat outside I’d come to the conclusion that I’ve slowly been falling in love with her, and now I’ve hurt her. People who are hurt only barricade themselves in bathrooms for one reason. And I didn’t have the luxury of time. So I scaled the wall to the open bathroom window and jumped in. But nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Evelyn, sat cross legged on the floor, blade at her wrist. So, this what it feels like when your heart breaks in two.

“Evelyn.” My voice was barley above a whisper, cracking as the tears started to fall down my face. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes looked up in surprise at me standing by the bathroom window.

“I finally did it. I’m in heaven now. There’s no way Crilly could have climbed that wall, and even if he did, he wouldn’t be crying over me. He doesn’t feel that way.” Hearing those words made my already broken heart crumble to dust. She doesn’t know how wrong she is. I bent down and took her hands in mine, removing the blade from her hand. I looked her straight in the eye and told her my deep secret that I had been hiding from her since that first day.

“Evelyn, listen you’re not dead. I wouldn’t let you kill yourself. Especially not because of me. I’ve been stupid and careless and down right mean to you. You don’t deserve that. Seeing you like this, well, it’s breaking my heart. Because…I love you Evelyn Don Teriesto, so much.” Her eyes widened as she realised what I was telling her. Then, thank god, she smiled. It was a smile I’m going to remember for the rest of my life. It was a smile full of love and hope. Then she did something I never saw coming. She told me her secret.

“Crilly, I don’t know whether you’ve been told, but I’ve not been ‘lucky in love’.” She stopped to take a shaky breath and I wrapped my arms around her.

“Love, it’s ok. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” I felt her arms go around my waist.

“But I want to. Anyway, my last boyfriend was the one who messed me up the most. His name was Dan and for the first few months it was perfect. Then he changed. He started hitting me, so hard sometimes I’d have to stay off work. Then came the isolation. He cut me off from everyone, refused to let me go to work for fear of me telling someone. Then, came the ‘carving’.” She created quotation marks around the word ‘carving’. “He came in one night whilst I was sleeping. He hit me over the head to knock me out. When I woke up the next morning I had no clothes on and my back was in agony. Dan was in a heap on the floor. He’d raped me, carved the words ‘emo bitch’ into my lower back and then took his own life. I nearly died because I was too scared to escape. But you’re here, you’ve saved me. I believe in love again. Because I’ve found it in you. I love you Adam Crilly, so much.” Not even caring about the tears streaming down both our faces I pulled her in for the first kiss of many. And, although I’d not known her very long, I finally knew her. I had the girl of my dreams. But our ‘bliss’ wouldn’t last for long.

The Trials and Tribulations of Evelyn Don TereistoWhere stories live. Discover now