Chapter 6

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Remember last time Ray was trapped in her subconscious and she is currently running through her old house(that's what her subconscious is to her.) She has currently found her memory of her parents death.

So without further a do, LET'S GO!


Ray's POV


I ran as fast as I could down the never ending hallways of my subconscious only to stop at the door I heard the noise come from. I looked at the door, and..... the...door was cracked!?

I looked at the disturbingly cracked door, looked down at the doorknob and noticed that it was very dented and rusted. I got up the courage, put my hand on the knob, twisted it and opened the door. I opened it all the way. The walls were all white, nothing showed on the walls in the room, I looked around outside the room, and I didn't see anything or hear anything. I went to close the door but before I could something, I don't know what, but something pulled me into the room.... and the replay of my memory started.


I looked around and I saw the outside of my house along with my parents running inside with my sister and me in their hands. My mother was holding my little 1 year old sister, Jade, and my father was holding my small 5 year old self. They ran and ran down the hallways of my old house, with me following in pursuit. When they took a quick left down the dead end hallway I heard my mother whisper something, NUMBERS! My mother whispered numbers, I remembered now that the numbers she whispered were 14-18-23-94. I had forgotten why mother had said those numbers, until I looked at the wall which should have been a dead end. I looked at it and saw a slight outline of something, like a door. My parents rushed through and they disappeared though the outline, but I could not pass.

My vision changed and I looked up and saw my mother and father all the while I had this terrified felling all around me. Then my mom looked down at me and kissed my forehead. She turned to my sister still in her arms and kissed her forehead too. When she kissed my forehead and my sisters my mother whispered a protection incantation, it was to protect us and keep us hidden and keep our powers under control until either my mother lifted the incantation, or worse, the death of my parents. My mother handed me my sister and said in a hushed but sweet voice, "Stay here, stay hidden until we come back to get you, don't come out no matter what. If we don't come back for you stay here till nightfall and then go to the meeting place and we will meet you, but.... if for some reason, any reason at all, if we don't meet you there do you remember what to do next?"

I nodded my head, trying to fight back my tears; I thought that I'd never see my mom and dad again. At the moment I didn't know how right I was. "Yes Mommy, but- but what if the bad men come after us again?" I almost cried, I remembered the last time we saw the bad men, they took my baby brother, Nicolas. He was 4 years old, a year younger than me. I used to call him Nico, because I thought 'Nicolas' was too long of name, just like Ravenna. It was my baby brother who gave the nicknames Raven and Ray to me.

I really miss my brother, I never did find out if they killed him or not. I hope not.

As my parents left our panic room, I looked at my baby sister nothing more than a year old. So innocent, harmless and sweet. 'I can't believe that they would go after us' I thought.

Watching from outside the panic room I saw myself leaving my baby sister in there alone. WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!? I probably wasn't thinking at all.

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