Chapter 9

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Ray's POV

The last thing I wanted was for Seth to get hurt or caught up in my chaotic life, it's bad enough that Jade is caught up in it. I could handle protecting my sister, that was easy, she knew all about my powers. Seth however, he only knew about my time control ability, he didn't know about my other abilities, let alone Jade's.

As I saw him hit the wall on the other side of the room I felt my anger rise and my heart drop. I staggered up and stumbled or tried to stumble to them as Warren took Seth in his grip and lifted him 6 inches up off the ground choking him. I couldn't stand the sight of Warren doing that to Seth, I wanted so badly to get over there and beat some sense into him, but something in me knew Seth could handle it.

As if telling me I was right I saw Seth lift a hand and- what he did next shocked the hell out of me- he socked, no that sounds weak. He sucker punched- yeah, that sounds better- Warren straight in the face, the punch was so strong you could here the impact probably a mile away, and it sent him 'flying' into the wall across the room with a loud *thud*.

I looked closely at Seth's eyes... they had, clouded over. Within a few seconds of seeing this I found the strength to get up and stand straight. I stopped time around Seth and myself, Warren had stopped moving all together and I ran as fast as I could, I was gonna try to calm him down. I could feel his anger and hate radiating off him.

I didn't know what I was doing, it was like my mind just took over my body, I had no control over my actions. I wrapped my arms around him, "Seth, it's ok, calm down. Calm down it's ok." I kept saying those words over and over again until I felt his breath stagger and his rage level fall.

He wrapped his arms around me and asked me, "Ray, a-are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I? If I-"

"N-No. You didn't hurt me, don't worry about me. But, umm, I can't say the same for him." I staggered out with a few tears slipping every now and then. I felt his grip tighten when I heard a groan. I turned around while still in Seth's arms-I found them very... comforting and felt oh-so protected- and I saw Warren stagger up from his slumped position against the wall- I can't believe that Seth was able to do that to Warren, on a 'Good' day I could probably do that to him. When Warren stood up I felt as though we might be in trouble, so I did what any wise 'Witch' would do, I bound his powers but only around me,"Through the 7 elements I bind thee powers, constrict them here, constrict them now and forever more".

As Warren stumbled towards us I unwrapped myself from Seth's arms and walked to Warren, "What the hell did you do with Jade?!" I wanted to scream it at him, instead I 'whisper-shouted' at him, I wanted so bad to punch him. But I couldn't, if I beat him to nothing and he still, somehow got away, I didn't want him to hurt my sister.

I walked closer to him and shoved him up against the wall, my rage was surging through me and it caused my markings to appear and my eyes to gloss over red. I hardly ever let my rage change me like this, but I wanted Warren to know that I meant business. I need to scare him!

I gripped my hand around his neck, "Listen carefully Idiot! If you so much as make my sister cry I'll make the remainder of your short life a living hell!"

"You mean like you did when I was 7! Since then because of you, my life has been a living hell, I lost my last real family that day and was cast out into the 'cold'. How is living the way I have been for the past 14 years not been hell enough!?"

"That wasn't my fault! If- if your father and his group of murderers hadn't attacked my family, they would still be alive! What I did was nothing more than Self Defense! I had to protect my baby sister, my last remaining family!" I shouted at him. "If you were in my position you would be doing the same thing!"

"And if you were in mine? Huh, what then, come on Ray! We both know that you would be holding a grudge too!"

Taken back by his statement I think it over but I immediately know my answer. "Honestly, yes I would! But I'd never ever threaten your brother! Yes I'd hold the damn grudge! But I'd never threaten someone who has nothing to do with it! That is the biggest difference between you and me!!" I said throwing him to the ground.

When I threw him to the ground a blast of light came from the impact causing me to cover my eyes, after the flash of light I looked back at where he was supposed to be and he wasn't there.

He can teleport!? I don't remember that being one of his abilities! In anyway, he shouldn't be able to do that if he can! My bind is too strong! May- maybe he is just that strong, stronger than me... No, no I can't accept that.

"Ray! Ray come back! What happened!?" I hear break through my shocked state.

I look up to see a worried face crouching down and starring at me. I was so shocked that I hadn't realized that my eyes were widened. When I finally realized how petrified I was I lunged forward into Seth's arms and cried, I cried like a baby.

During my chest racking sobs I blubbered out "I ca-n't lose he-her to-too. She is all I ha-have left, please, help me get her back! I can't let him ta-take her fr-from m-me, she i-is my lit-little gir-girl! Please Seth!"

"I will I promise you Ray, I will."


OK Sooo Hey there ppls

I know i havent updated in a while but hey My school goes on summer break in about 3-4 days so I will be able to update way more frequently! Yay!

... - unless I get into the excel summer program at my high school in which case you'll have to wait again for my updates...

Oh yeah... umm I guess this would kinda count as good news.. idk... depends how u see it... but...

Im gonna make a new story!

A FanFic to be precise!

A 'The Walking Dead' FanFic to be even more precise but again, it'll most likely come at the end of the week and ill have a note about it or something, but until then...

-Eat Food
Play Video Games
Watch TV
And Be Yourself-


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