Chapter 8

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Ok so sorry for the wait, I've been typing my new FanFic, I was just like. 'YESSS!!!!! I FINALLY DID IT!!'

Ok so im soo sorry that I made you guys wait soo long for an update,.... ok well here it is!


Ray's POV

I was so frustrated, I stood up and stumbled to Seth, "S-Seth,... I-I n-need to t-talk to y-you." I mumbled out.

He took me in his arms, to keep my steady I guess. I slightly faulted in his arms... it felt so.... Right. "Shhh. Ray, it's ok. What is it you need?"

Did he seriously not hear me tell him that I needed to talk to him. I looked up at his eyes and saw worry. Why was he worried?

"Seth, I n-need to t-talk to you." I said a little bit stronger.

"Ok, here or somewhere else?"

"W-well, I need to go h-home first. I n-need to m-make sure that Jade is h-home and ok. Then we can t-talk." I kept my eyes on his, I usually try to avoid eye contact but, it didn't feel uncomfortable, it felt right. When I felt my strength come to my legs I tried to stand up on my own but ended up faulting again.

He ended up having to help me all the way to Clyde. When we got there He had me lay on Clyde and he tied Rune's reins to Clyde's.

When he took off I shuddered a bit, a feeling in the pit of my stomach grew like something bad was waiting for me at home... God I hope that Jade is ok.

When we finally arrived at the cabin I dismounted and ran inside not caring if my strength was all there. When I got to the door, I put my key in the lock and opened the door. I ran in stopping at the front room, "Jade! Are you home!?"

I shouted it again about 3 times, still no answer. I ran down the hallway as Seth ran in the front door after me. I ran by my room to Jade's but stopped when I passed my door. I stopped mid-step, I slowly took 2 steps back and turned to look in my room. I looked into my room my eyes landing on my bed, my eyes widened in horror.

"Nooo! Jade!" I shouted as I stumbled a few steps into my room falling a few feet from my bed. My eyes starring at the small pool of blood on my bed as tears came falling from my brim. I held my head in my hands and looked away in horror as I screamed in terror for my sister "Jade! Why!? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

I heard footsteps running in behind me and felt strong arms come around me. I shifted so my face was buried in his chest, I sobbed and sobbed until I heard him "Hey, Ray. Y-You need to see this."

I looked up, out of his chest and turned my head to look to where he was pointing. I looked at my wall in horror 'We have her, just come get her. -W' was written on my wall. In blood!

I screamed at the sight, he had my sister! Warren had my sister! That sick person has my sister, there is no telling what he'll do to her.

As I screamed Seth tried to calm me down by speaking soothing words. It didn't really work. I kept crying and sobbing holding onto him tightly, up until now Jade was the only person to ever and I mean ever see me cry. Now Seth is seeing me cry and I had just met him like 2 days ago.

I finally was able to stop crying when I felt myself being put down on a soft cushion. I opened my eyes to see I was in the front room and I was sitting on the couch with Seth looking up into my eyes. I was crying and thinking about my sister and what they could be doing to her right now to notice that Seth had picked me up off the floor of my room and carried me to the front couch.

"Hey..... Seth, I'm sorry to drag you into this, but there's something I need to tell you." I whispered to him as I slowly looked up from the floor.

"Uhh.... Ok... What is it?" He asked somewhat puzzled.

"You'll want to sit down for this, lord knows I did when Aerin told me......" I trailed off remembering the prophecy Aerin... Uhh... My mom told me when I was little:

'In the darkest hour of the darkest night
'Angel' and a 'Demon' will concieve
This child will have unknown amounts of power and strength
The gifts and curses recieved will be from both the 'Demon' and the 'Angel'
The family will seek refuge away from both
The child will be known as an abomination to both
As Shadows tear at the family
The 'Demon' and 'Angel' will fall
The 'Hybrid' will find one
One that is too of the gifted; Valor, Gallantry & Percocity
This one shall be of 2, twined in fate
Together the oblivious and the knowing one will fall and rise
They will both fight in a war that the unknowing know not about.'

I looked on as Seth sat down on the couch next to me. "Seth, what I'm about to tell you will be hard to believe but please believe me... I speak of the truth."

He gave me a look almost saying 'What the hell is she about to tell me.' I take a deep breath and begin to tell him of this prophecy. I look up after telling him the prophecy and he looks at me like I'm a little crazy.

"Uhhh..... wow... so .... Uhhhh...." he trails off, probably still processing the prophecy.

"I actually have more to tell you." I keep eye contact with him, man I hate eye contact the one sure way to make me feel awkward, but with him its natural.

"Oh... Ok" he stutters out.

I feel as though I might break down crying in front of him "M-my parents both died when I was 5 and Jade was a little less than a year old. T-they were.... Shot to death right in front of me, Jade was safe. I-I killed them all, e-except 2 little b-boys. I d-didn't mean t-to kill them.... I-I just lost c-control. One of the boys.... he holds a grudge against me for killing his father and giving his little brother amnesia from the traumatic experience. I didn't even recognize Warren, but when I did it was too late, and I hate to tell you this but.... Y-your friend.... B-Blake, h-he is t-" I was cut off when I sensed something moving in the hallway.

I shot up out of the seat and I walked over to the hallway and looked at it, it was unusually dark. I thought that it was nothing just me being overly paranoid, like always.

Man was I freaking wrong, I went to turn to tell Seth everything was ok when I felt something shove against my chest. I was hit hard and fast.

I felt my body fly across the room to the other wall, hitting it hard I felt all the air leave my lungs from the shove and the impact of the wall. I slumped against the wall as I heard a deep and evil chuckle come from the hallway and I hear foot steps running to me. I look up to see Seth kneeling down next to me asking me if I was ok. I slowly nodded.

"S-eth, w-atch out." I slowly gasped for air, when I somewhat caught my breath. I looked on in horror as I saw something come between Seth and me, "No!" Was all that came out when I saw Seth being pushed away from me against the other wall.


ok so I know this isn't much but I tried to update for today cuz I haven't updated for sooo long due to writers block *CurseYouWritersBlock*, school -.-, and other stuffs.

But anyways hope ya'll like it !!!! /.^


Or wateves....hehe Otay...Bye...

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