I finally spring up from the couch when the clock reads 6:45. I can walk there. It'll take me about ten minutes, so I'll get there five minutes early. Tom usually arrives a little early. Maybe I'll finally beat him this time. I grab my small purse, my phone, and slip on some flats. I almost forget a coat before leaving my flat, so I quickly grab that before finally leaving. And, of course, Mrs. C spots me.
"Oh, you look nice, dear! Are you going somewhere?"
I smile. "Oh, yes. A cafe. Meeting a friend." For some reason, all I can do is talk in short sentences.
"Hm, a guy friend?" Mrs. C asks, raising her eyebrow and smiles, speaking in a knowing tone.
I can feel my cheeks slowly start to gain heat. Am I blushing? Please, God, tell me I'm not blushing. My hand quickly touches my cheek, and sure enough, it's warm. I am blushing. "Uh, yeah. I'll be back soon, Mrs. C, bye!"
"Have fun, Rose!"
I quickly leave the flat, sighing in relief when the cool air meets my flushed cheeks. I turn to the left and begin to walk down the street, noticing how dark it already is. Thank goodness I already know where this cafe is.
I can't help but notice a certain bounce in my steps that rarely ever actually occurs. Mainly only when I'm excited about something. And I'm obviously excited for this. As much as I wish to deny it, I'm excited.
I arrive at the cafe just in time, walking in. I see the familiar "seat yourself" sign, and walk straight to me and Tom's normal spot. No ones there. Which, I guess that's a good thing since Tom and I always enjoy sitting there. But that means he's not here, yet, either. I take my seat, pulling out my phone to see if I've received any texts from him. Nope. So at least it's still on.
A waitress stops at my table, dropping off a menu and asking me if Id like anything to drink. I order a tea just to start out with. She nods and scurries away to take other people's orders as well.
All I can do for the next several minutes is anxiously mess with my phone, even occasionally playing a game of temple run. Tom would probably grin at this and jokingly call me childish, which of course would make me smile and throw back some smart remark. Nothing came to my mind at the moment, though. All I could think of was what his responses would be and how much he'd laugh and smile.
I sigh, pulling out my phone once again and writing a new text to Kate.
Kate, I think I may be in love. -R
Not long after, I get a reply.
Really? Who? Tell me! -K
I gulp, wondering if she'll judge me for this.
Well I was just thinking about what you showed me yesterday and what we were discussing, and... -R
It's Tom, isn't it? -K
Yes. -R
My phone immediately rings, indicating a call. I answer it quickly. "Hello?"
"I knew it," Kate quickly says. "I knew you liked him.
"Well it's your fault!" I say back.
"Because of that picture you showed me yesterday... Pointing out all of his features. I've never found him all that great until then," I explain.
"Well the important part is you now love him."
"I wouldn't say 'love'."
"Well that's what you said in your text," Kate points out.

All Roses Must Wilt (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)
FanfictionRose Parker is just your average girl living in London. She lives in an average house, has an average job, and has just an average personality. But if there's one thing not average in her life, it's her good friend, Tom Hiddleston, the British actor...