After staying for another hour that night, Tom had gone home. He also made sure to thank me a thousand times for agreeing to both New York and the agreement, and even kissed me on the cheek before leaving. So glad he did leave after that, though. I was blushing like crazy.
So today Tom told me he'd pick me up at.. 10? Yes, I think it was at 10. Good thing, too, because I didn't even get up until 9:00. I was up late last night writing out an even better outline for Tom's story idea. I also made sure to work on Kate's, because technically, her request was first. But it'd kind of hard to write about love when I've never experienced it, yes? I mean, I've had boyfriends, sure, but none of my relationships were serious enough to consider love.
I take a very quick shower before putting on a warm long sleeve shirt and a hoodie over it. I should probably grab a small umbrella, too... I slip a fold-able black one into my pocket. Then, of course, there's my normal jeans. Can't go wrong with jeans, right? Especially when you'll be standing in the rain watching as your best friend drives really fast around a track. No biggie. Just watch, smile, and don't have a heart attack. I glance outside. It's raining really hard.. What if they cancel it? I mean, I sort of hope they cancel it. Driving in this weather can't be safe.
I sigh, realizing how pathetic I'm being. Tom will have fun. So be happy for him. He knows how to stay safe. I slip on my lace up boots, deciding to just skip breakfast. Tom will be here soon, so I just head out of my flat, wanting to meet him outside so he doesn's see my messy living quarters again.
Almost as if on cue, I see Tom stepping out of a cab the minute I exit the flat. He gives me a warm smile, tells the cab driver to wait (very politely, might I add), and jogs to me under the over hang roof so rain won't fall on him. He seems to be wearing casual enough clothes.
"Is it still on?" I ask him.
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?
I raise an eyebrow, and he seems to understand.
"Oh, it's just a little rain, darling. No big deal. Do you still want to accompany me?"
I sigh, smiling lightly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
He grins. "Great, let's go." Tom runs out into the rain again, opening to cap door. I realize he's opening it for me, and I run out into the rain, quickly hopping into the cab. I expect Tom to get in after me, but he shuts the door and runs to the other side, getting in.
I can't help but look at him like he's crazy. He soon notices.
"You're such a gentleman."
Tom glances at the cab driver and tells him where to go before returning his gaze to me, grinning. "Is that a compliment or an insult?"
"Well, a compliment, really, but sometimes you're too nice. Like just back there, you could have gotten in after me, saving yourself from the rain," I explain.
"Nah, I don't mind having a few extra rain drops fall. But we wouldn't want you catching a cold."
"Says the one who would miss out on many opportunities if he got sick..." I mutter.
Tom doesn't seem to notice, or he just ignores my comment. "Did you wear warm enough clothes?"
I roll my eyes lightly. "Yes, sir."
"An umbrella?"
"No.." I lie.
Tom sighs lightly. "Ah, I should have known with you. You can just use mine."
I start to laugh.
Tom looks at me, a bewildered look on his face. "What?" He asks.
I gain my composure quite quickly. "I was just kidding you. I have an umbrella. You really are too much of a gentleman."
"Ehehe!" Tom lets out a laugh. "I was actually convinced you hadn't brought one! And you know, most women are very impressed with how much of a gentleman I am!" He boasts playfully.
I smile. "Oh, whatever.
"So did you have a good nights sleep?" Tom asks.
I shrug. "Yeah, I'd say so."
"And did you get enough to eat this morning?"
Hm. At first I thought he was just asking me how I slept to be friendly, but he's just making sure I'm taking care of myself properly. Acting like he's my parent or something. I roll my eyes. "I'm fine, Tom."
"So you didn't eat this morning?"
"Did you eat this morning?" I ask, avoiding his question.
"I did, as a matter of fact," he replies. "Do you want to stop to get something?"
I shake my head, indicating a no.
"Are you sure? You need your energy."
"I'm fine, Tom. Just leave me alone," I snap. I quickly glance over him, seeing if he was hurt by my harsh words. He's only smiling at me. Not a happy smile, but not a sad one either. More like a caring, concerned one. Tom was only acting like my father because he's grown use to taking care of me. Tom knows about my past, how both of my parents died in a car crash when I was eight, and when he and I became best friends, he basically became like my older brother. Taking care of me how an older brother, or even a father, should. He and Kate were the closest thing to family I had. In fact, Tom promised me that when I got married, he'd be the one to give me away. And it never meant too much to me before, since I didn't think about it much, but now I know for a fact that I'll probably bawl my eyes out when that day comes. "Sorry," I say softly. "Thank you for caring about me so much."
Tom leans closer to me and kisses my temple. I have to face the window afterwards to hide my blush, which probably just makes him think I'm avoiding him. Oh, if only you understood, Tom. You can't just kiss my cheek or even hold my hand anymore without my cheeks reddening. It's not your fault for being so beautiful, it's mine for letting myself fall for you. "No problem, little one. I'm here for you."
I'm pretty much silent for the rest of the car ride, wanting to let myself vent and totally forget about snapping at him. And it works.

All Roses Must Wilt (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)
FanficRose Parker is just your average girl living in London. She lives in an average house, has an average job, and has just an average personality. But if there's one thing not average in her life, it's her good friend, Tom Hiddleston, the British actor...