
Graduation for Normals is dull.

Watford always had some type of grand ceremony, a ball, parties, and so much magic. Baz is seated right up front, he skipped his last day at London School of Economics to come. He always looked so good in a suit, though I wish he would stop sticking his damn hair back like that. I could've sworn I saw him cry as I gave my speech, I graduated in the top of my class in attempt to make Penny and Baz both proud as they both got top of their class in their colleges.

I of course ended up tripping over my graduation gown on my way off the stage and fell. I could only hear Baz laughing. Sometimes I hated him.

I'd stopped seeing my counselor a while ago, it was after the nightmares stopped and the magic had been restored to all the deadspots. The only problem left was the damn tail. And also Penny's constant complaining about Baz and I being all 'gay' with each other all the time. She's just jealous, her American boyfriend is finishing college in America and also refuses to live with 'The Normal and the Vampire'. It was a debate they had all the time on Skype, which Baz and I liked to barge in on. Micah practically hated them by now, their annoying antics driving him mad. He'd often ask Penny how she did it, how she put up with us bloody morons. She usually laughed and dismissed it.

When the ceremony ended I was bombarded by Baz, he threw himself onto me, holding me so tight I could barely breathe.

"We see each other everyday, Baz. No need to be so excited." I chuckle.

"Simon, I'm so proud of you." Baz wept into his shoulder like a parent.

"Stop being so sappy, it freaks me out," I roll my eyes as I attempt to pry him off of me, "Did Penny come or did she have class today?" I ask him as he tightens his grip on me.

"Huh?" Baz hums as he pulls away suddenly, "She said she was going to be here? She's probably-"

Baz was cut off by Penelope bursting in, she didn't say a word as she rushed over, grabbing both Baz and I and pulling us out of the school and away from everybody else.

"What in bloody hell are you doing, Bunce!? Snow just graduated and you weren't even there and now you think you can just drag us away!?" Baz is shouting at her as she pulls the both of us along.

"Penny! What are you doing?" I ask, not as loud or bitter sounding as Baz. She stops as soon as I finish my question, we're at the edge of the woods by now and there is almost nobody in sight.

"All of the Watford students have gone missing." She is urgent, her voice shaking, I think two of her younger siblings still attended the school. I'm surprised she's this calm, usually she would have burst in screaming, crying even as she pleaded for out help.

"They what!? How?" Baz gasps, his expression is now hard, he looks anxious. Scared even.

"I-... I don't have a clue, Baz. You guys both need to help, please." She begged, she spoke so much like a Normal now. All of us did, well, not so much Baz but you know what I mean.

"Penny... I can't, remember," I begin to frown and I feel Baz's arm go around my waist, pulling me close, "I want to but I can't even get into Watford, let alone save it."

"Snow, you're the most powerful magician that's ever been born, you've saved us before, so many times." Baz says, kissing my cheek softly, his lips were so soft for a dead man.

"I have no magic, Baz, how am I the most powerful mage if I have no magic?" I argue and get a groan from both Baz and Penny.

"You've got to help, Simon, they need you." Penny's voice cracked as though she were about to start crying.

"I'll try but I have no magic to do much of anything. I guess I'll just have to be the brains and you'll have to be the brawn?" I start to chuckle sadly, Baz's grip on me tightens and he starts to smile, baring his teeth, his fangs showing.

"Thank you so much, Simon. I'm sorry I missed your speech about being a smartass." Penny laughed and so did Baz. I shove my elbow into Baz's side roughly.

"Shut up, Baz. I saw you crying over in your seat." His cheeks glowing red, he must've just recently been on a hun, his face glowing so deep that I could've sworn he'd painted his cheeks that color.

"Baz? Crying? No way." Penelope shakes her head in disbelief.

"Yes way, he's such a parent when it comes to this stuff!" I start to laugh and Baz's face just gets redder. It's so hot, Baz is so hot.

"Crowley, Snow, can you try to not embarrass me!" He whines like a little kid, "You fell on stage, Snow!" He pointed out just to piss me off, though I just rolled my eyes as I kiss his temple.

"Basil, you are the biggest pain in the ass." I chuckle with a grin and he smiles back without looking up at me, I'm used to that.

Penelope fake gags at the two of us, "You are both disgusting."

"You're just jealous, Bunce," Mutters Baz, "We're going out to party, we'll do some research when we get home about the whole students disappearing thing, you can come with or go do whatever you do."

"I'm going to research, you two go get drunk and party, be home by one or you're being locked out." Says Penny.

"We have a key and magic, Bunce." Baz grumbles, grabbing my arm and dragging me off.

Never Give Up, SimonWhere stories live. Discover now