1. You giggle at the term 'vital regions'
2. You can't look at a map/globe with a straight face
3. You tend to lecture people on the whole Prussian history and the reunification of germany and the soviet union and the kievan rus by accident...when they just asked you where Poland is on the map
4. you think maps are porn and monuments are a sex joke
5. any mention of big ben, the Eiffel tower, or florida makes you double over snickering with a nosebleed
6. You asked for a map/globe/history textbook for Christmas/birthday
7. you can find Liechtenstein on a map
8. you can spell Liechtenstein
9. When the song 21 guns by green day plays, you think of Switzerland
10. when someone's whining, you say "Man up or I'll beat you with my peace prize!"
11. You would sooooo become one with mother Russia
12. you look up history of your favorite country in your spare time
13. you never need to study for map quizzes
14. your history/geography teachers think you're cheating
15. your friends think you're cheating
16. you use Ja and Da instead of Yes and Nein and Nyet instead of no
17. you know at least one sentence in another language
18. you looked up how to say "Big Brother, marry me" In Belarusan
19. You looked up how to say "You called?" In Russian
20. Pastaaa is all you talk about
21. you have to add multiple a's when spelling PASTAAAA
22. you have all of the European countries' flags and capitols memorized
23. You could fill out most of a Eurasian map in under a minute.
24. you wish you could speak another language
25. you are learning another language
26. the approach of Hetalia day causes you to randomly burst out squealing at random moments
26. you spend most of your time looking up prices of hetalia cosplays/ wigs and figuring out how to get the money to pay for them
27. you stay up late (read: you don't go to sleep) watching hetalia youtube videos
28. you are part of at least 5 hetalia forums/communities
29. you try and convert your non-hetalia friends to make social-studies more fun
30. you try and convert your non-hetalia friends so thet you have someone to cosplay with
31. it is your dearest ambition to meet the hetalia characters
32. it is your second dearest ambition to go in cosplay to a public place with friends and freak random people out
33. you wish you have an accent
34. you practice your accent around the house all the time, which drives your parents bonkers
35. you break randomly out into accents at school without realizing it
36. you use british slang so much it starts to sound normal...bloody twat!
37. When in math class a problem the teacher puts on the board says anything about five meters (or centimeters XD) you and all of your hetalia friends start dying and noooobody knooows why...
38. when your history textbook is just one big fanfictino to you
39. When you start writing fanfictions about whatever you're learning in history
40. when you cry to find out that the fact that you switched schools means that you can't take world history for another three years
41. when your school offers French, German, and Spanish, and you take German so that you can be like zhe awesome Prussia...and because spain is a pedo and france is a rapist
42. You get really ticked off when you find out that the Spanish teacher speaks Russian...and will teach you Russian curse-words if you know how to ask...
43. you laugh when someone starts describing the 'relations' between two countries
44. you get really angry and shout "It was true love!" in the middle of social studies class when the teacher says that your OTP wasn't meant to be
45. you get sent down to the principals for the outburst.
46. you immediately think of Spain, France, or England when pirates are mentioned
47. Any mention of Spain and your first thought is DAT ASS
48. you actually take the time to write a 'you know you're a hetalia fangirl when...' story
49. you realize that you've done everything so far.
50. you realize that you're at the fifty mark, and you're not even close to being done
51. you realize that you're going to have to split this into two parts.