Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


I cannot believe I let Alice pressure me into helping her with the Fall Dance decor. To make up for it, she wanted to take me somewhere. I asked where to and she replied, “I’m not sure yet, but there is a place in the near future.”

“Alice, please tell me what you’re up to?” I asked starting to get annoyed.

“It's a restaurant. Although I’m not seeing clearly of why I’m supposed to take you there yet, but I will.” She replied amused by my stressed face. A restaurant, why on earth would we go to a restaurant? I'm not surprised by her odd behavior, but of all places… “We don't eat human food in case you have forgotten, dear little sister.”

“Edward please give me more credit than that. We’re not simply going for the food. There’s a much bigger picture for us going, I just can't see enough yet.”

“Well I hope it is much more interesting than this dance of yours.” I teased her a little.

“Hey, don't knock my dance or my decor!” she replied immediately.

“Oh how would I go on if I committed such a crime?” I answered back now a little satisfied that she was on temper.

“Edward Cullen, are you trying to hurt my feelings?” she tiptoed in front of me to get on eye level, nose wrinkled, brows knit.

“No of course not sis, I’m sorry Alice.” I surrendered, smiling at her.

“It's ok. I saw that you were just playing with me anyways so there.” She answered, drawing a chuckle. A slow song began to play, I thought about asking Alice to dance.

“Edward, I would love to. Let's go.”

Urgh!! “Alice, couldn't you have at least waited until I actually asked you to dance?”

“What's the fun in that? Besides, I’m bored. I wished Jasper could have come.”

“Alice, you know how hard it is for him to even survive one full day of school.”

“I know I just don't like leaving him behind. I don't know what I would do without him. Speaking of which, someday you will find someone that makes you happy, Edward.” She announced, seeing my reaction in my mind.

“Alice, I don't think you have heard me in the past. No one will ever replace Bella” I replied sourly with a sad edge.

“Oh Edward I know that, it's just that there has to be someone out there to at least make your days brighter. She doesn't have to take Bella's place, just help you survive day to day happy, why not Tanya?” She asked.

“I’m not having this discussion Alice.” I stated. Why can’t she understand?

“You know Edward; I would have loved to of met her. I feel that we would have been very close like sisters.” Alice said, now in thought.

“I don’t doubt that. You’re an exceptional person.” Sarcastically I added. “Who could not love you just the way you are?” rolling my eyes. She gasped poking me in my side. “Hey, I was just kidding with you Alice.” I laughed at her.

“He he he, I know that silly.” She giggled with me then turning to the door.

“Well, it's time, Edward.”

“Oh right a restaurant in which we will not be eating at. This should be fun.” I said with little enthusiasm.

“Hey, all I know is I’m supposed to be taking you there, that's it. So let's go and see what the fuss is over.”

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