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I'm not going to apologize for taking so long to update, becasue i honestly have no excuse, but I am going to say one thing, you guys are going to love for this chapter, and you're going to hate me for it.



Chapter Nine


Today’s the day. Of Nadine’s father’s art show that is. And the day where I’m probably going to see her. Also the day where I finally get to set my plan in motion and see how it works out. Or doesn’t. But I’m hoping for the former even though I know it’s going to be the latter.  I have to admit though, I’m actually pretty nervous. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m about to see the girl broke my heart, or because I have this feeling that things are going to get messy tonight. Either way, it’s a foreign feeling for me. I’ve never felt nervous about seeing a girl before, well not since I was fifteen, anyway.

Then again, I’ve never actually had a girl I’m in love with dump me before, either. I’m almost tempted to call Jess and bail on her and just stay at home. But I can’t, I need to see what her reaction will be. Her reaction determines everything, if she was lying to me before or not, if she really doesn’t have feelings for me.

Seeing that the event is a formal one, I’m stuck wearing a tux, even though I hate them. I don’t know why, but I just do. I let out a groan of frustration when the knot I just did comes out wrong. It’s been ten minutes, and I still haven’t succeeded in getting this tie done.

Muttering a few curse words under my breath, I walk into my sister’s room as I undo what I just did, my eyes cast downwards at it.

“Grace, do you think— Oh my god, please close the door next time!” I complain as I turn away when I catch Grace making out with her boyfriend. My sister blushes while Chase looks slightly annoyed that I interrupted them.

“What’s up?” she asks breathlessly, smoothing down her dress.

I close my eyes and shake my head, trying to get rid of the mental image. “Stop doing that to me, I don’t need any more images of you guys going at it in my head.”

“You’re such a drama queen, Julian,” Chase comments.

“I am not!” I deny, “would you like to walk in on your sister having sex with her husband?”

            He shudders, cringing at the mental image while Grace cries out; “We weren’t having sex!” a mortified expression on her face.

I wince. “I really don’t want to hear about your sex life.”

If it’s possible for her to go redder, she does while her boyfriend aka my best friend lets out a laugh through his nose. I think he’s enjoying how flustered she is. “Shut up, Julian!” she cries out.

“Anyway,” I say ignoring her outburst, “can you help me with this thing?” I ask as I pick at it disdainfully.

“I shouldn’t help you, especially after what you said, but because I’m such a nice, amazing person, I will,” she says before stalking over to me and begins working on it. 

 “Yup, you’re the best,” I tell her and make a kissy face at her before planting a big, wet kiss on her forehead.

“Ew!” she cries out and grabs my arm to wipe my saliva off of her with my sleeve, “you are possibly the grossest person on this planet!” and with that, she stomps out of the room.

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