Chapter Eighteen

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I'm back don't hate me!😣
Cain POV
I ran my hand through my hair as I thought back to what happened after Clara and her dragon, apparently named Guinevere, landed smack dab in the royal stables courtyard.
Clara landed just as I got there panting. I was shocked to find what looked to be the whole counsel of Elders and royal family waiting. Clara jumped down and approached them all. She gave them a level headed stare before stating in a strong, carrying voice,
"Up until now this dragon has been treated with nothing but fear and contempt, something that I will not allow to continue. All due respect sirs and madames but should I see even a single person even looking at Guinevere wrong I will take her and leave immediately." The king himself stepped forward to reply,
"That won't be necessary in fact it would be an honor if you would join the Dragon Corps. Naturally you will be awarded the title of captain and will be allowed to choose the members of your squadron. Not only that but as a sign of good will we would like to offer you this sword as a symbol of our gratitude." The Elders came forward with a cushion in their hands and my hand unconsciously tightened around the hilt of my sword. Avalon! I thought shock and rage filling my body. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Clara say,
"Sir as flattering as it is I cannot accept this sword," everyone looked at her in total shock "you see, you're offering it as a sign of gratitude when I haven't done anything, now I will of course join the Dragon Corps and as far as my team I only know a few people so I will have to cross that bridge when I can. But going back to the subject of a sword, naturally I do expect all of the armour and equipment that comes with being a member of the Dragon Corps, but no saddle- Guinevere won't have it. I'd like to be able to forge my own sword if it's all the same." She continued barely missing a beat. My jaw dropped hearing her. How could she possibly be this confident?! I thought completely dumbfounded. All of the council nodded approvingly and Lydia gave her father an 'I told you' look. He resignedly nodded and after that she was shown to the royal stables, which had up until that point been empty for god knows how long, and with that the royal dragon rider's lodgings. Which made the fact that she was still in my house considerably weirder. I walked past my sister's old room which she had immediately returned to without a word when we got back and I heard something that glued me in place for long enough to be hit with a startling realization: it was Clara singing.

"Stay in your place"

They tell me

"Stay in your place"

"Stay in your place"

They warn me

"Stay in your place"


If I wanted to stay in my place

Damn you

I'd never have left home

If I wanted to stay in my place

Damn you

I'dve left the wood alone

If I wanted to stay in my place

Damn you

I'd never have opened my mouth

If I wanted to stay in my place

Damn you

I'dve left when things went south

If I wanted to stay in my place

I'dve just stayed home

If I wanted to stay in my place

Damn you

I'dve looked away

Frankly I was spellbound, I'd heard her sing earlier that day but hearing her now was like listening to a whole other person. But as I listened I noticed something that scared me far more than I would have expected: she was preparing to cut her hair.

Clara POV
I was just singing to myself while I got ready to cut my hair. I had been needing a hair cut anyway so I thought now was as good a time as any. Just as I raised the, I hoped slightly dulled, knife I'd snagged on my way back to the room to my ponytail I felt someone take it out of my hand. I whirled to come face to face with an apparent seething Cain. Now I say apparent because after he started speaking it became extremely clear that he wasn't angry.
"What were you thinking?" He asked sounding terrified. I raised an eyebrow before responding,
"Well, I was due for a haircut anyway and now that I'm a dragon rider it's not like I have my hair getting in my face so I'm cutting it, don't worry though, it's not like I'm gonna slip and kill myself by accident... Hopefully..." He stared at me for what felt like an eternity before stating in a level voice,
"You can't cut your hair," At this I frowned a little and he continued "around here if a woman cuts her hair-" I cut him off rage filling me once again.
"You know something? I'm getting sick and tired of this places fucking gender roles! I'm cutting my hair god dammit!" I tried to grab the knife back but he put it down behind him and pinned my hands to the vanity behind me and brought his face close enough that I could see every detail in his eyes. Then in a tone that I couldn't place he said,
"Just... Let me finish ok?" I nodded  half mesmerized. I was in such a daze that I didn't even notice when he went from pinning my hands to interlocking our fingers, nor did I notice how close he'd gotten.
"What I was trying to say was here if a woman cuts her hair she won't ve allowed to marry and I don't know if you're going to end up staying here but... If you do maybe... You'll find someone..." He trailed off as we both started leaning towards each other. But then I stopped and shook my head What was I thinking?! Not only did I just meet this guy but I don't even know his full name! What's wrong with me?!... Maybe I was hypnotized or something... No no don't be rediculous! I thought panicking slightly. Cain stepped back looking like he'd just come out of a trance or something.
"Turn around." He said rubbing the back of his head as he avoided eye contact. I gave him a quizzical look but was still frankly too dazed and confused to argue. So I turned around and sat in an uncomfortable silence as he took my hair out of it's ponytail and braided it expertly. Once he was done I looked at it in the mirror awestruck.
"H-how did you-?!" I started not even knowing how to continue.
"I used to do my little sister's hair all the time..." He responded looking at anything but me. I laughed slightly before standing up and saying,
"Well... I should be getting back to my place.... But I expect to see you at the training grounds tomorrow. Mostly because I have no idea where those are but still, I can't have my second in command being late can I?" He looked me dead in the eye when I said that looking shocked.
"Well I am allowed to build my own squadron aren't I? Well lucky you cuz your first choice. See you tomorrow Blondie." I added smugly walking out.

New Freedom Ancient Chains (Book 1 Of The Blood Bonds Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now