What About A Fun Time?

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Rossi: have you guys heard from Hotch?

Morgan: no I actually haven't... weird

Spencer: why?

Rossi: need to talk

Spence: about?

Rossi: about someone sending the higher ups a mass message about Hotch and JJ

Spence: 😬

Rossi: yeah

Morgan: dang so they can't be together?

Rossi: they can I just need help figuring things out with him

Spence: do you have info he needs?

Morgan: your best bet is to contact Jayje

Spence: or Garcia

Rossi: yeah Penelope hasn't heard from him either
Garcia has joined Fam

Garcia: it's called a sleepover and he is with his girlfriend.. what's going on

Morgan: bossman is about to be in trouble with the higher ups bc of him dating JJ


Spence: yeah wth

Morgan: it's not like it gets in the way of work I don't understand

Rossi: well it's against the rules...

Garcia: no I'm not letting this happen

Morgan: baby girl

Garcia: no Derek they are the bau couple we even gave them a cute name okay I'm not giving up on this

Spence: its not even our relationship and we can't live without it😂

Garcia: they are gonna love Jotch okay THEY ARE TOO CUTE FOR THIS

Rossi: this is why I love you

Spence: SAME😂

Morgan: she's right plus they are happy and our friends

Rossi: yeah and I need to give him the info I have on the person who is trying to take him down bc if he doesn't say something I know will get to her, she's gonna put a end to their relationship for good

Garcia: I got you...
Aaron has joined Fam
Jay has joined Fam
Emmy has joined Fam
Liz has joined Fam

Aaron: what's going on now?

Rossi: we need to talk NOW

Aaron: what happened?

Rossi: our higher ups is what is going to happen if you don't get you butt over here right now

Jay: higher ups? What do they want

Rossi: you two.. for breaking the rules

Jay: .....no

Rossi: I'm afraid so...

Aaron: well I'm not going down without a fight that's for damn sure

Aaron: we haven't done anything wrong okay.. yeah we are dating but we don't bring our relationship to work.. HOW DO THEY KNOW ABOUT THIS

Rossi: Aaron... Erin

Aaron: for fucks sake...

Liz: who's this Erin?

Rossi: pretty much someone who watches over us as a team

Liz: well shit.. looks like we abouta fight

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