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Hey folks!

So, obviously, I'm pretty-----Nah! Just kidding. 😊 This is a SURVEY.

So, here's the question:

From all the SasuSaku One-shots I've made so far (in this book), which one would you (Yes, YOU!) prefer I make into a book?

So, I've read the comments again and had an idea---since some people want me to extend the one-shots into a whole story---and tadah! I've decided to just ask you which one would you like to read as a whole book?

Oh, I know you have your favorites and all. The title with the MOST requests/nominations will win 😉

So what are you waiting for?

Comment your winning title below!

~MistyAnnE_04 ❤

SasuSaku: Book Of One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now