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Hello, I am not quite sure what possessed me to write this chapter but I did! I hope you enjoy it more than I do! 

X0X0 Sean James Logman X0X0



Murdoc's P.o.V

Waking up the next morning with 2D sleeping soundly on my chest was a good sight to see. He was laying in just boxers, his ass slightly sticking out and he had his tongue lolling at the side of his mouth. I lean down and lick his neck softly. He groans quietly in his sleep and rolls over facing away from me leaving his ass exposed. I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist and bite down on his neck leaving a mark or two before he actually wakes up and mumbles his good mornings.

"Hey there baby," I smile and kiss his nose.
"Good Mornin," 2D turns towards me and nuzzles my neck.
"How did you sleep, love?" I ask softly stroking his hair.
"I slept good, I kept getting cold, though," He laughs a little when I tug his hair.
"Awe I'm sorry," I whisper.

2D rolls over and sits up to stretch. I stand and walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth and try to tame my hair. 2D walks in and brushes his teeth in the mirror. He looks at his neck and yelps loudly before hitting my arm. I just laugh and hug him close to me saying I was sorry. After we get dressed we head downstairs and sit in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do for the day. 2D and I really didn't want to go anywhere so we just decided to have a lazy day at home and watch movies. After our 3rd or 4th movie, we stopped to order pizza and rest our eyes for awhile.  I hang up the phone and tell 2D the pizza will be here in an hour. He smiles at me and sits down on the counter tops. I walk over to him and stand in between his legs setting my hands on them gently.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" I ask him.
"No, not that I know of why?" He asks looking up at me.
"I want to kiss you really bad," I whisper to him.
"You do?" He questions.
"Badly," I reply.
"Kiss me then," He giggles.

I wrap my arms around his waist and I pull him close to me as I softly press my lips so his. He seems surprised almost at first but then kisses back and wraps his arms around my neck. After kissing for a good minute I lick his lower lip softly, he doesn't really do anything then I remember it is his first kiss so I tug on the back of his hair and his mouth opens up a bit. I slide my tongue inside and not leave any area untouched before pulling away for air. 2D sits up panting and smiling at me. I smile back and pick him up with my hands on his ass and carry his to the couch where I pin him down and kiss him again. He moans under my touch and looks up at me with wondering eyes as I kiss his neck roughly.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" I ask as I bite him.
"Born wif it," He giggles.
"I would take you right now if you'll let me," I growl in his ear causing him to shiver.
"I've never done anything wif anyone before," 2D mumbles to me.
"I know, That's why I'll be careful," I whisper.
"Promise?" He asks
"I double promise," I say kissing him again.

We have an hour till the pizza comes so we can take our time. I kiss my way down from his neck to the lining of his boxers and push them down. I take my time kissing and licking his length finally having him wet my fingers before I slip them inside of him and stretch him out.

"Are you ready love?" I ask waiting calmly at his entrance.
"Yes, go ahead," He whispers and grabs onto me.
"I love you," I groan pushing into him.
"Ah. Mmmm. I-I wuv you t-too," He moans


See I told you it was dumb loll!! Oh well.. It's a chapter in this book and I am proud to have it in the book. I hope you guys at least enjoyed it a little bit. I love you all so much!!! Have an amazing day/night.

X0X0 Sean James Logman X0X0

I love you!!!!!!!!!

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