Shadows of Kisses

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Alright so lately I have had some awesome day-dreams of Devil May Cry and some reading online read to the discovery of Vergil being Nero's (unofficial) father, thus this story, so follow Aubrey's journey as she is literally swept away by Vergil, and read her story of how Nero came to be :3*

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She made haste as she walked through the slumbering city, if you see that tower fall, and I do not come within a day, take you and the boy somewhere safe. his last words to her rang in her head like a soft echo of the past. Old memories surfaced quietly, she let them take her over bitterly. The sleeping infant cradled in her loving arms, it turns out, would have niether a father nor mother. His father never came after the tower collapsed, and his mother knew he needed to grow strong and wise, like his father. As it was, many demons sought her out, her genes were some of the strongesst, she had inhereted the DNA of three past kings of Hell; actually that's the how she met her son's father in the first place- she wouldn't think of that  now . She reached her destination, a very large church, home to the worshipers of sparda. With blurry eyes she placed her sleeping son in a box, stuffed with blankets for his comfort, then put him on the front step she knew he would be noticed. Placing a tender kiss on his forehead, she put his single heirloom on heir sleeping form a locket that played a sweet lullaby, as well as two notes, one that read:

'To whom it may concert,

I have no way of easily doing what I know I must do. The pain of leaving my only child is unbearable, but I know he will grow strong in your care. He is a descendant of Spadra- proven by the characteristic white hair and blue eyes, his father and I named him Nero, meaning strength. Nero is very well behaved, sleeping through the night, hardly ever crying and has a tendency to coo and babble. I promise nothing but the best of him. When he grows capable of understanding the way of the sword, give him lessons from the Order. His father was a skilled swordsman, as well as I.

I must warn you in advance- he is indeed a half-demon, myself a demon and his father half. I do not know how stable he will be in the future, but with the right care, his powers could be harnest to work for the good of the world. He is very healthy, but only a few months old, he takes a liking to soft voices and music, which helps him keep a level head, but unfortunatly he has the temper of his father and is easily bored. It may be a good idea to start him in school early, as well as training. If he is anything like me or his father he will be stubborn, but kind-hearted and will fight to the end to protect something he loves or believes in.

Please make him understand that his parents loved him very much, and that I will return one day for him, I pray he will understand my motives behind this. I am only eighteen at the moment, and have no experience of raising children- my home was mainly run by men and I had no sort of childhood that I could go back to for reference. I am also currently a source of danger for anyone incapable of fending of many demons, I cannot tell you the reason, but I am under attack.

I promise I will return, and if you accept this offer, I would appreciate it if you would send word to the man in charge of the bakery of this town, he will tell me. In return I will fund your church.

Aubrey May Abigail Alester Mundus Sparda

The woman sighed as she gave her son some last comforting coos and whispers, his piercing blue eyes stared at her with a smile, oblivious to what she was planning. Slowly her tears escaped as she placed one more small note addressed to him in the box. With a grim smile she opened the locket and made sure it played its slow, calming melody, turning, unsure of the rest of her young sons life.

As the shadow of the curch dissapeared, she recalled the note she wrote Nero:

My Dearest Son Nero...

~Alright so how was the prologue? First bit?~

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