Kiss Dante, Feel Vergil's Wrath

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His Features were that of a Roman God, only a slight difference from the portrait of his father. His face was still hard and uncaring, but his eyes, those ice-blue eyes I would grow to love told me more, as they always will. He was curious, but also slightly annoyed at my stubbornness. While he looked at my face he seemed pleased.

When his eyes wondered, and lingered in lower regions however, I slapped him hard, he glared at me, "You refuse to speak, but you dare to lay a hand on me?"

"I do not take pleasure in men I barely know mentally undressing me." I snapped, breaking my silence.

"She speaks." He muttered calmly, holding his cheek, "I heard you have been left to rot with humans, but what did you do?"

"How do you-"

"I have my sources, girl. I do not have patients for you right now either." he turned away, "I'll be back later."

Then he left. My heart fluttered weakly and disappointment washed over me. I blinked and realized something- what if he left the door open? With a grin on my face I jumped from my seat and took a skip, hop and step to the door, twisting the knob, it was open! I laughed and stepped out of the room, into a large library, reminding me of one I spent so much time in. The twenty foot ceiling had head to toe mahogany bookshelves, the floor had matching hardwood. All the light flooded in from one wall, made completely of glass.

My giggling ceased when I noticed a man in red staring at me with a questioning glance. I tilted my ead to the side, he had the exact same featurs as the other man, but his hair was free to fall in his face. He wore a red leather duster and dark cargo pants, 'The younger son of sparda.' I assumed.

We stood silent in a dead stare until he broke the silence, "who are you?"

I bit my lip and backed myself against the door to my room, "uhm..."

He stepped closer, "Come on babe, just give me a name."

"A-Aubrey... and you are?" I turned the knob slowly.

He smirked, "Dante." he was three yards away.

Quickly I opened the door, steppped in, and closed the door, in less than four seconds he was knocking on it like a madman, jiggling the knob. I leaned against it, trying to keep him out.

"What's a'matter babe, scared?" he chuckled, pushing the door easily, "come'on I won't bite!"

"I gritted my teeth, "I'm sorry, I was not expecting company!"

To my dismay he managed to push open the door, I sighed and went to sit in my chair. He grinned and looked around, "nice space."

I shrugged, "yeah, just a bit clostrophobi at times."

He nodded and sat of the edge of my bed, calming down a lot. "say, you don't happened to be the one running this place, are you?"

I shook my head, "no, the man left."

"Oh, well," he grunted and stood, "sorry Aubrey, but I must take my leave now." he came to me and ruffled my hair, I giggled, not used to such attention. I smiled at him and he did something that still shocks me to this day, he bent down and kissed me. Gently at first, but when I didn't struggle, he slowly began to move his lips, licking my lower one. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth slightly. He took advantage of that and manuvered his tonue into my mouth, exploring every inch, I moaned lightly as he stroked my own tongue, pulling it into his mouth. He grinned as I followed obedenently-

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