Chapter One: Not Giving Up

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"Harry!" I called, looking all over my desk.

The term was about to start and I was already in a fuss over the new schedule. With the craziness of last term, we were prepared for a more relaxed year. Harry and I had set up events for the students because that part of the year had was ace. With the students arriving soon, I was getting more and more on edge, though. Getting them through a good year after the drama of the last was my main goal and it was going to happen.

"Alright, love?" Harry walked into our bedchamber, carrying little Albus in his arms.

I smiled at my smashing husband, taking in every inch of him. From his dark hair to his amazing green eyes, he still took my breath away. He smiled at me, just waiting for me to answer him and holding our baby boy. He was the picture of the perfect man with little Albus in his arms. Him holding our child seemed to just melt my heart that much more.

At three months old, Albus was still so tiny but developing quickly. As of late, he began making small noises outside of crying. He coos at Harry and I when we change his nappy or go to feed him. Since his birth, we made another room for Albus, since the twins were already settling into the world.

James and Lily, at a few months over a year old, they were passed the late nights. They still needed a changed nappy but otherwise they were okay. We had them on a set schedule and it was working.  With them doing so well, putting Albus in the same room would have been a horrible cock up for us. It was good to have Albus in his own room and the twins in theirs.

"Love?" Harry stepped closer, concerned because I was still just staring at him.

"Relax, Headmaster." I grinned. "I was just lost in thought for a moment." I stepped forward to take Albus from him, cooing at our son. "Where are Lily and James?" I inquired, forgetting about whatever I was looking for the second I thought of my babies.

"They're chasing a couple of balls I enchanted. I spelled their room so the floors are soft if they fall and they can't go passed the boundary I set." He kissed my cheek, lingering there.

It felt so good just to feel his lips on mine. Despite my body being ready for a physical relationship, we had had to wait for the potions to start working as a contraceptive. After the week they started working though, I had a hard time adjusting with my emotions. After having Lily and James, my hormones had been pretty crazy but I had been going so much I didn't notice it. This time around, with everything else that happened, I couldn't stop myself from going a bit barmy.

Despite my craziness, Harry was always there. When I cried, he held me..., when I screamed, he listened. Harry was more than I could hope to have during my crazy life. He'd called me his light through all the shadows but he was mine. Having him and knowing I was going to be okay, it helped me push through when I just about lost the plot.

"Harry? Hermione?" We heard a knock come from the front. Knowing nobody would just walk in but a few select people, we made our way out to the main area. Ron and Hagrid stood just inside the door.

"Hey there, mate. What are you lot going on about? How was your trip?" I smiled, sitting down with Albus. Ron had been away for a few weeks, taking some personal time before the term began.

"Hermione," Ron started. "I think you should let Hagrid take Albus into the twins' room and let him watch them." He said gravely. For the first time, I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Hagrid took Albus and went into James and Lily's room.

"What's going on, Ron?" I asked, looking at him. He pulled out a book, opening it and handing it to me. I looked down at it, confused.

"I don't understand." I looked up at him.

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