New Feelings

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It was the next day, they had talked for a little while but then Eddy left. He felt like the conversation wasn't going anywhere. He said what he had wanted to say, that he was sorry, and that was enough.
But he had a couple things on his mind, like, ' did Edd REALLY not know what I was talking about?'
' What did he do after he left for his punch?' ' Did something happen?' And 'What is he not telling me?'

He decided that he would ask him about it when they got to school. Since it was Monday after all. Spectacular.
He was on his way to go pick up Ed and Edd so they can walk to school together. Like they always did since they were kids. Eddy always went to go get Ed and then the two of them went to go pick up Double D.
Some times Eddy wished he could go straight to Double D's house , and let Ed walk himself to school for once→_→. He didn't know when he started preferring Edd over Lumpy.
He rang Eds door bell.

Sarah answered.
" Is Ed home.." He asked but he already knew the answer.

" Yes, He's in his room . I'll go get him"
Eddy seamed to kind of relax when she said the words ' I'll go get him ' until...


Eddy checked his ears for blood, nope all good. Her screams seemed to be getting louder with age.
He heard the sound of tumbling and crashing. Within a couple seconds Ed was standing in front of Eddy.
" Hi Eddy, "
" Hi lumpy" Eddy said seaming to not be so pleased with Eds presents.
Ed grabbed Eddy's hand and started to drag him to Edd's house.

" Come on Eddy, we need to hurry! We can't let the aliens get Double D first!"
Within minutes they were standing at Edd's front door. Mostly due to the fact that Ed had practically been running.
Ed knocked on Edd's door like he was trying to break it down.
Edd opened to door with a smile on his face, as usual.
" Hello dear frien..."
Then ed interrupted him with quick and powerful hug. He hugged him so tight that he lifted him off the ground.

"Double D! I was so worried that the aliens got you"!

"No Ed, I am fine, you can put me down now.."

" let go lumpy , your suffocating him!"
" Sorry Eddy"
" apologize to sockhead not me"
" its alright Eddy"
" Sorry double d" he apologized anyways.
" Its aright ed, thank you"

Eddy was now getting annoyed,
" OK ladies, can we go now"
Ed nodded his head, and Edd blushed. Possibly because of the fact that eddy referred to him as a ' lady'. Which Eddy found very cute, but he wasn't gonna let Edd know that.

They started heading for school.
'Today was gonna be just great' 😒

( time skip)

They had finally reached to school, the three boys all said there good byes and parted for the day.

Edd headed towards his locker to gather his books for his first period class, which was math. He was in the advanced academic courses. He was just about to open his locker when he heard a loud bang!

Edd's p.o.v

( BOOM!! Bet you didn't see that coming! AND.. Its in first person. It may be bad since I never really write story's in first person. Unless is about MY opinion. Like in my shipping books.. Now where was I?)

I was just about to gather my things for mathematics. When I heard a loud noise come from next to me. I was a fist that hit the locker by me. I slowly turned my head around still shaking from how much the loud sound scared me half to death!
I looked at the boy standing in front of me. He was breathing heavily and looked very angry with me.

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