On The Run

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That night I camped out in the woods outside of Republic City. The moon shone down on the clearing I was in, and I breathed in and out, feeling the power within me.

It wasn't you, it wasn't you, I kept thinking to myself as I rocked back and forth. It was a horrible monster who had taken hold of me and taken away my very will. I wiped away a tear and continued rocking.

Lily sat curled around me, sleeping gently. I stroked her snout, overly grateful that I had kept her in a stable nearby where I was patrolling. If not, I'd have definitely been arrested for the crime I didn't do.

Well, that's what I was telling myself. And I knew in my heart that it was true. But the image of the girl screaming and crying and protesting wouldn't leave my mind. A life was gone, and I had been the one wielding the weapon. Wouldn't be the first time.

I stopped rocking and curled up into Lily's warm side. I needed sleep. Tomorrow I would start looking for who the bloodbender was.

I tried not to think about what Raiko, my brother, my sister, and my friends would think when the White Lotus patrols reported what they had see me done. I tried.

But I did not succeed, and I fell asleep with tears rolling down my face.


The next morning I was awoken by the sound of a branch snapping. I bolted upright, ears perked for noises.


I jumped to my feet and whispered "home girl" in Lily's ear. She understood and turned and ran back to Republic City.

I quickly scampered into a nearby tree. Seconds after I did, a group of White Lotus members and cops burst into the clearing. One of them kneeled down and examined the impression where I had slept.

"It's still warm. She's nearby."

"The footprints of Lily go that way," a familiar voice said. My head jerked towards Raiko, who stepped out from the crowd and pointed towards where Lily had run off. "She probably heard us coming and left."

"Come on, she couldn't have gotten far," a cop said. The group took off after Lily's footprints. All except Raiko, who hung back, examining the footsteps. Suddenly, he turned and looked straight at where I was concealed by the leaves. For a second, I thought he'd seen me and was going to move on. But then he looked back towards where the group had gone and followed after them.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding and waited a few minutes before dropping from the tree and walking in the opposite direction. There was no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. I had to find the bloodbender before the police found me.


"Back again? Glad you enjoyed your last drink."

I'd returned to the bar where the two firebenders who had been killed were last seen. The bartender smiled when he saw me.

"I did," I said. "Listen, I'm in trouble. I need help."

He raised an eyebrow. "I must hear that five times a day. Always some thug in here who wants a bailout." He smiled at the large, shady-looking man who was sat behind me. The man had very publicly put a knife covered in what could only be blood. I swallowed and turned back to the barman.

"Please, I need information. I was accused for something I didn't do."

The barman sighed and nodded. "Fine. You're the only customer I've had who seems the least bit trustworthy."

"Thank you. What's your name?"

"Ray," he answered. "Yours?"

"Badger," I replied.

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