Epilouge-1 Month Later

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"She's in jail now?"

I chuckled. "Yep. Bound and in dry air. There's no way she'll escape."

"I heard you bloodbended."

I set my jaw and moved my piece. "I had to. I had to get Raiko."

Piandao tilted his head. "The only times you ever seem to bloodbend are when he's in danger."

That stopped me for a second. It was true. When we were kids at the Black Forest Prison, I bloodbended the warden to save him. In the Battle of Ba Sing Se, I did it again to prevent him from being trampled by a tank. And the third time to save him from the building. "I guess so. Whenever he's in trouble."

Piandao shook his head. "You always manage to find trouble, don't you?"

I smirked. "What fun would life be if it didn't?"

My old friend was sitting on my apartment with me. He was visiting Republic City for the week, having never been. He was getting old, and wanted to see more of the world.

We'd gotten a full confession from Kaito. It wasn't hard, after Raiko's incriminating confession and evidence anonymously offered by a citizen. I had helped Shakya give it to the police without getting caught, and I appreciated her infinitely for it. I was cleared of all charges of murder, especially after Kaito had tried bloodbending Katara, who, of course, is the most powerful waterbender I know and has no trouble taking down Kaito after Aang and I left to save Raiko.

Now I was taking a real vacation, enjoying relaxing in Republic City. In a week or two I'd be leaving with Piandao to stay at his home for a while.

The two of us were playing pai sho. I wasn't really paying attention, and paying dearly for it as Piandao took a swift and easy victory.

"I'm the one aging, but you're the one getting slower," he said as he beat me again.

I rolled my eyes playfully and stood up to make more tea.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on my door. Sokka, Katara, and Aang burst in my door. Sokka looked incredibly confused, while Aang and Katara looked ecstatic.

"Mara!" Katana called. "Come sit down! Hello, Master Piandao."

Piandao smiled and raised a cup to the new guests.

I placed the water to boil and sat on the couch. Katara plunked Sokka next to me and stood before us, holding Aang's hand.

"So...we have an announcement..." she grinned.

I titled my head. "Are you going to try to open that necklace business again? Because I told you, they're really not that good..."

"No, but Fishing Line Adornments were a great idea!" Aang said indignantly. "What we wanted to say is..."

"I'm pregnant!" Katara burst out.

For a second, Sokka and I just sat. But in the next moment all four of us were jumping around and yelling in delight. I threw my arms around my sister and my friend. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

Sokka pointed at Katara's stomach. "There's gonna be a little you!"

She and Aang beamed proudly. "They're due at the end of next spring."

"What?" Sokka cried. "We have to get ready! Come on, it's time to build the nursery! And make baby clothes! And collect diapers!"

Katara giggled and grabbed Sokka's shoulder. "For now let's just celebrate. Come on, let's have dinner at me and Aang's place."

Piandao stood from his spot. I'd almost forgotten he was here. "Congratulations, you two. I look forward to meeting them." He turned to me. "I'm going to return to White Lotus Headquarters. I'll see you tomorrow for another pai who butt-kicking."

"You don't want to join us?" Sokka asked.

He shook his head. "I'll see you all later. This is definitely a family affair."

We tried to insist, but he shook his head and left. Soon after we did, all five of us. The sun was setting on Republic City. Joy was overflowing in my family. Raiko was safe. Republic City was still growing. Sure, trouble would find me eventually. It always does.

But for now, life was beautiful. And I was happy.

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